Have You Seen My New Phone?

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To: bobpunchezu@moocow.net

From: moreepicthanyou@zmail.com

Subject: Have You Seen My New Phone?

I know, reading is so hard, 'cause we haven't been doing it since kindergarten or anything. (BTW, if you didn't see, I'm rolling my eyes at you right now)

Ugh, seriously? I told Dale not to propose the idea of the hotel to the senior class officers! Have you seen him lately? He needs to be smacked, RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE!

By the way, it's a type of dancing, it's called twerking...Just kidding. That's nasty and weird.

And are you serious right now? Who told Melinda she could sing?! That girl is gonna get pancakes thrown right at her!

Oh, and apparently I haven't shown you my new ePhone, just got it about a week ago. There's a setting where you can change it so it doesn't say "sent from my ePhone", stupid.


~ Sent from MY ePhone

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