Super sick karoke battle!

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Subject: Super sick karoke battle!

Ah poor you, brought down at the dance by the principal that must suck. You talked to Zoe? Why? Also, why exactly were poor Pippa and Zoe fighting? So much drama, this isn't Soap Network. But yeah Longthorne sucks, he gave me detention twice for starting food fights during lunch. Asshole. My friends and I call him Longdouche.

And I didn't win limbo! They put that bitch low in round 7. I wanted to punch the girls setting it up in the face, but their brains probably wouldn't register pain. The blonde hair dye seeps into their brains and they lose what little intelligence they had in the first place...

But they really did put that bitch low! Only two people made it past round, Emilie and Misha!

In the first round NO ONE got out. No one at all. Round two Erica got out and starting crying because a bunch of the unicorns she was in labor with died and then claimed she was gonna sue the school with her fifth grandmother twice removed who is apparently a damn good lawyer, then stormed about with about 50 Oreos.

Anywho, Emilie won limbo and Misha slapped her with a pancake.

You need to come back from the principal's office right now, Xavier, John and I are gonna do a bit of karaoke. Cammy and Mei are gonna do something, they say they wanna get you and Pippa in on the action to.

We're gonna own the girls either way :p

~Sent from my ePhone

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