Hi Squidward!

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To: Bobpunchezu@moocow.net

From: moreepicthanyou@zmail.com

Subject: Hi Squidward!

You're just like Squidward! He always tries to deny his friendship with Spongebob!

Him denying their friendship means they are in fact friends! Which means if I'm Spongebob and you're Squidward, we are in fact, friends!

I'm so glad you finally admitted it :D

Oh and by the way, I'm done with S'ban- I'm going by my middle name now, Alex. So now if you see me, call me Alex.

If you actually decide to talk me. Which makes me wonder- why have you been shunning me.

Friends don't usually shun each other!

Well I gotta go now. Gilly and I are going ice skating. And tomorrow Cammy, Mimi, and I are going bowling. You can come if you want, frieeeeeend.

Well bye :D

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