Get some glasses man

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Subject: Get some glasses man


If you didn't noticed I did type Gilly, not Ginny. G-I-L-L-Y. ANYWHO.. If you looked and saw Ginny I'd recommend seeing an optometrist (that means eye doctor) They worked wonders for my friend Miles who can now see amazingly clearly through his glasses. Your story about murdering the Queen was quite adorable and creative, but impossible. You would have had to find a possible route to England, which at the quickest would take ten minutes. Then you'd have to get everything settled which probably would've have taken an hour. Then you would have to get there, which flying from New York to England would most likely be an overnight flight. Which as of now brings you to about 13 hours, which is far too long of a time to have let you kill the queen this morning and manage to get back to your house. And btw did you really have to try to punch me? Gladly you missed and hit Ellison in the lower rib-cage which resulted in a HILARIOUS cat-fight. I will enjoy not seeing you for two days (because of your ISS) Have a nice two days off from school.


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