I will never run from the cops

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To: bobpunchezu@moocow.net

From: moreepicthanyou@zmail.com

Subject: I will never run from the cops

Oh, Bobbie

1. I will never sell crack

2. Nor sniff it

3. Nor run from the cops

4. I'm pretty sure the average crack dealer makes more moo-la than your grandfather

Anywho we're starting a new trimester tomorrow, and sadly we may not have any classes tomorrow.

Oh and BTW thanks a lot for getting us a B on our project for Mrs (she's engaged now) Hitlear. I had an A in that class and now I have an A-!

Anyway my five classes are

1. 1900s' Literature

2. Hobo History

3. Spanish 4

4. Horror movie 101

5. P.E.

I "hope" to see you in my classes :)

I was talking to Derek today and he says he saw your name on some sports sign up.

I don't see you as a sports type....

Anyway Derek and I are doing Alpine Skiing.

-The man who will never do anything illegal or bordering illegal


P.S. I'm still waiting for my money.

P.P.S. You know the money for the burger you made me vomit, and the other one you very rudely stole from me.

P.P.P.S Stealing's illegal. You could go to jail and meet my cousin Christina :)

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