The Bobbie Way

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Subject: The Bobbie Way

Hi Bob,

My new computer finally got hooked up, so now I can email you again. Because I knew how much you missed my lovely emails. At least I got to see your "beautiful" face when Ms. Hitlear paired us up to do a project together.

Anywho Misha and I were talking today, and she agrees it's wrong to make all of those 50s of yours to look like 90s. What happens when your report card comes home and it's full of Ds and Cs?

I don't get Cs :)

You should try harder, you're too lazy.

Every time someone takes the lazy way out I'm going to say "I see you've taken the Bobbie way out."

You should stop taking the Bobbie way or this will be your future- "Hi welcome to Walmart. Get your shit and leave."


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