From Prisses to Singing About Pancakes. What School Are We In?

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Subject: From Prisses to Singing About Pancakes. What School Are We In?

I think Christyl's a priss. A whiny, irritating, girly, loserish priss. She just makes me wanna stab her in the throat while she's sleeping! Like last night, she got her nails done, then refused to eat pizza because she didn't want to get fat or get her nails dirty. I was like, "Bitch, I'm gonna bitch-slap you in a second if you don't shut up."

And yeah, my parents are crackwhores with AIDS. I should get them help, but I think the last time I saw them was like...three months ago? Four? Yeah, it was awhile ago.

Who hasn't heard of the Maxxon Baker party?! It's a legend. I wasn't even sure if it was true or just a myth!

Yeah, Shane's rich. I'm not sure what was in the bag, but SHANE'S RICH. You know, and much, much better and cooler than some lame, loser girl named Ginny who happens to be dating a S'ban.

Uhm, yeah, I don't interact with that chick, Misha. She's just a plain, weird, old child. I saw her skipping down the hall on Tuesday, singing about pancakes.


See ya at the dance ;)

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