I WILL leave you annoyingly long emails

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To: Bobpuchezu@moocow.net

From: moreepicthanyou@zmail.com

Subject: I WILL leave you annoyingly long emails

Okay fine so you're just going to read my emails and not reply? Have fuuuuuuuun reading this one.

I just realized today that if you take the "s" out of fast in "fast food", you have "fat food". That's so true!! Because once you've been eating faSt food you're whole life, all you have to do is look down and you realize that you're fat because you can't see your belt buckle. Lol fa(s)t food. Except I don't wear a belt. You on the other hand should really should wear a belt, because you're soooooooooooooooooooooo scrawny. I don't need to wear a belt because I've build up some muscles from the sports I've played. Which reminds, remember yesterday in PE (the only class we have together this trimester) when the whole class was playing soccer, and we were in small groups of three, (my group was Derek, Misha and I, while you were with weird paring of Daniel and Erika) and our team completely WHOOPED your teams ass. Your teams would've been better if it was just Daniel. And again he's STALKY yo! Anywho- hmmm who even created the saying anywho? I always use it instead of anyway. Anyway just doesn't sound as good. Anywho wassssssssup I'm at Mimi's and we're practicing for our audition for Phantom of the Opera. Don't even try to audition, they don't want green haired gals. I know what you're thinking "THE TIPS OF MIMI'S HAIR ARE PINK!!" Yeah, but just the tips she can cut them off :) You'd have to go bald. They don't want bald gals either yo. Gosh I HATE Ms Tailling, she assigns SO MUCH fucking homework! It IRRITATES ME!!! I also HATE homework!!!! How the hell should I know who the first great Spanish author was? Uck homework. I also hated the school's lunch special today! You know the black bean quesdilla? So gross! It had frickin ONIONS in it! Yuck! Usually our school has good food. Like the salad, the pizza, the burgers, hot dogs, subs, other sandwiches, tacos, and waffles. But that quesadilla was a DISGRACE! You know what else I can't stand!?!?!?! PEOPLE WHO PUT SUGAR IN LIME JUICE!!!!! Jk jk. I don't even like lime juice.


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Bob, will you EVER learn?

Anywho do you wanna know something. Mimi is standing over me as I'm ranting to you. Actually not ranting- rambling. Mix them up ALL the time! How funny! Lolololololololololol. Wow i felt like a chick typing that. You're a chick.Do other chicks REALLY do that? You didn't even realize I forgot to put a space between chick. and Do. Like.this

She (Mimi) says Hiiiiiii.

You probably forgot I was at her house xD

Anywho I am currently wearing some wicked awesome Hipster glasses. So is Mimi. And we're BOTH wearing red Converse. We match. We could be like this wicked awesome spy team. A super awesome spy team bitches!

Mimi's rofling.

Well she's not rolling but she's laughing on the floor. I told her a really funny joke.

Oh what's that? You wanna hear it? Inside joke!

I skipped 2 spaces this time! Watcha gona do about it?

Today while Derek and I were skiing he said you look Steven Tyler.

I laughed.

Steven Tyler's not THAT ugly.

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You probably realized it wasn't over this time.

Or did you?

Idk. Did


This is actually kinda fun!

Anywho I gotta go now. Mimi and I are going to auditions now! Bye!

-From someone whose hair is not green



- You BFFL

- S'ban :)

PS- Still waiting for meh money!

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