You'll never be in this limo

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Subject: You'll never be in this limo

Oh how nice of you, to help your brother. I assume he needed a suit for the high school reunion, my brothers wouldn't stop saying how excited they were to go and catch up with all the dudes and hot sluts again. And then Maxxon got drunk, which isn't surprising.

Hey, guess what? We're heading to the dance right now, IN A LIMO. You here that, a LIMO. How does it feel to know you're not in a limo with all of your best friends, instead you're at your house waiting for Shane, who may or may not carry dead bodies in black bags. You might be the next body in a plastic bag

There's snow on the ground, I thought I'd say that even though if you look out the window you'll probably see it.

You wanna know something else, this limo has a fridge, TV AND a Jamaican driver. It also has a hot tub, but none of us can use it because there won't be enough time for us to dry off or something like that.

We're just pulling into the parking lot, see you when you get here

- Your friend

~ Sent from my ePhone

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