I was being friendly!

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To: Bobpunchezu@moocow.net

From: moreepicthanyou@zmail.com

Subject: I was being friendly!

First of all, Bob my friend, those were in no way insults. In fact they were compliments! You just need to read in between the lines!

1: The definition of oddball is a strange person, and strange isn't necessarily an insult.

2: I said you weren't a slut, which was very nice of me to say now wasn't it?

3: I didn't vomit because of what Xavier said, I vomited because I had the stomach flu that day.

4: Beauty pageants are pointless and demeaning! Be happy you'll never win one.

5: Shouldn't you be happy an awesome friend like me hopes to see you in my classes?

6: Walmart's a great place to work! Be happy I see you working there!

Ahhhh, Shane Gordon. Miles says that he was on the soccer team with Shane during middle school. I've heard he has quite a kick.

I was talking to Misha and John today and they said they heard you hit a girl in the face with a basketball during the "big" game yesterday. I wouldn't have know, Gilly and I were out seeing that new movie. It wasn't good, don't take Shane to see it.

Well i gotta go now, I've been forced to go pick up my brothers from the airport with my parents, they're getting back from college for their Christmas break (which lasts til February, weird right?)

See ya pal! (BTW, request still pending)

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