Chapter 17

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Alice: So, what did you do while we were gone?

It was late at night, Lance had to go back and train at Dragons Den. I sat at the table picking at my food thinking about what happened a few hours earlier. 

Me: Oh, just my usual cleaning the house and shopping routine. How did the training go?

Mavis: It was so cool! We wish you were there! 

Scarlet: Yeah, Nema pushed Alice in the mud pit and Alice was swimming in it screaming, "Help me I don wanna drown!"

We all laughed at the image of Alice's act. I can just picture Alice in the mud, trying to swim. She's very interesting.

Alice: Everyone was staring at me!

Me: Because you're a unique kid.

Alice: Yeah......... I-I guess.

We talked about that Proton guy for amusement, Mavis stood on top of the table doing a impression of him that made us all fall out of our seats laughing. Later on during the night, I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. I just couldn't sleep, too many mixed emotions on my mind. I was just about to go to sleep when I heard a knock on my window, I looked at it to see Lance on the other side waving at me. I smiled and walked over to the ledge of my room to open it up.

Me: Hey.

Lance: Hi.

I stepped back so he could come in, he pulled out a rose from behind his back, got on one knee, and held it out towards me.

Lance: For you my beauty.

Me: Aw, thanks Lance.

I took it gently away from his hand and put it in a vase on my end table, then sat down at the edge of my bed. He followed me and pulled me into his arms, resting his head on my shoulder.

Lance: That rose don't even compare to how beautiful you are.

Me: Oh stop it.

Lance: If you were standing in front of a mirror with two legendary dragon pokemon at your side, you'd be looking at three of the most priceless, rare, beautiful things on this planet. 

Me: Lance...........

He smiled and rubbed my wings softly causing me to shiver a little, he bent over to meet my lips. His lips were very warm and soft, like cotton candy. He had a sweet scent to him, he smelt as sweet as freshly made chocolates. His eyes met mine gently as he broke the kiss, a smoothly pulled away to give some air.

Lance: Just know, everything I said about you is true.

Me: Well it just so happens, I think of you the same way sweetie.

Lance: Good, but just know I love you more than anything.

Me: I know Lance.

We were both quiet for a long moment looking at each other. Time felt like, as though, it stopped for a mere second as we just got lost in each other's gaze. I leaned onto him more, resting my head on his chest, rubbing his chest gently with my hand. We spoke in hushed voices so my sisters' couldn't hear.

Me: How did training go?

Lance: It went good.

Me: You won, didn't you?

Lance: Yes.

Me: Well, you are the dragon master.

Lance: That maybe true, but there is a secret weapon I use to keep me strong when I'm about to lose, or just plain stressed out.

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