Chapter 24

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It's been now two months since I became pregnant, it was a Friday where I was supposed to meet up with Silver and who ever we was meeting up with. Lance carried me to Violet City where Silver met us with a smile. Lance set me down and kissed me while rubbing my stomach.

Lance: Be careful, alright?

Me: Don't worry, Silver will never let anything bad happen to me.

Lance: Okay, bye.

He kissed me for a long period of time and gently rocked me back and forth. Then he let go and walked away. I walked up to Silver who hugged me gently.

Silver: Hey Jenni, hey little baby!

Me: Hey Silver, what's up?

Silver: I'd just thought all five of us would hang out.

Me: Five?

Red: Hey Jenni!

My old friends Red, Paul, and Falkner came out of the nearby pokemon center. I shrieked and ran up to them and hugged them all tightly.

Me: Oh my God, I can't believe it's you guys!

The moods swings kicked in and emotional tears filled my eyes. The all hugged me back and laughed.

Paul: Yeah, Silver told us the news and we all came rushing as fast as we could.

Falkner: Oh my goodness, its a baby!

Falkner rubbed my stomach softly I laughed and hugged him, Red was the next one to rub my stomach, then Paul.

Red: Wow, I can't believe you're really having a baby and getting married.

Me: Who else knows?

Paul: Basically everyone you ever came in contact with.

Me: Damn, news spreads fast.

Paul: Yeah, even Cynthia heard.

Me: Really?

Paul: Yeah, she was so happy.

We both smiled and I grabbed onto his arm and Silvers as we started to walk to a quiet route to hang out. We made our way through the streets when my legs started to feel soar.

Red: Here, let me.

He picked me up and carried me the rest of the way, we stopped at Sprout Tower when Red put me down. He was always like that, these guys are like my human big brothers. I trust them with everything, they're the best.

Me: Thanks Red!

Red: Anytime.

We went inside and up a flight of stairs and into our old private hang out room. The room was sun lit in bright, and covered in bright colors, bean bags where on the floor a long with computers, a TV, and a bunch of XBox games. Silver sat down first, then me, then Paul, then Red, and last Falkner.

Silver: Okay guys, what ya want to play?

Me: OH! Black Ops Call of Duty!

Red: Oh hell yeah!

Falkner: I agree.

Paul: Me too!

Silver: Alright then.

He got up and put the game in the machine, the boys did their usual wild wolf howls when then game theme came on the gigantic flat screen TV. We all grabbed controllers and started the game. We played zombie mode, every man for them self. I blew up everything that moved in my sight with this huge gun. I saw something move as I turned my character around and shot it.

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