Chapter 34

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It was at least two in the morning, everyone besides me and Julia were up and talking. It was windier than usual, so bad it wasn't really safe for me to fly there. Julia handed me a bag and a map with their location.

Julia: They were planning an attack on you, but to distract them, I sabotaged their main computer system.

Me: You were in there?

Julia: Yes, you ordered me to get information about them, and I did.

Me: Yes yes, carry on.

Julia: They're off the coast of Lily Cove in the middle of the ocean.

Me: Where Magma is?

Julia: No, further out into the ocean, so you'll have to fly.

Me: Okay.

Julia: In the bag I've given you is smoke bombs, flash drives, memory erasers for cameras and computers, knock out spray, and a Aqua uniform so you'll blend in more. Your pokemon is also fully rested and ready to go in case of battle.

Me: Alright, thanks Julia.

Julia: Any time Jenny.

I walked off into the forest once I changed into the uniform, the wind kept pushing me back but I kept going. It was at least an hour before I reached the coast of Lily Cove. Looking out in the ocean, the dangerous currents crashing on land, and now harsh rain coming my way. I took off when it started to come down heavy. I struggled to stay in the air and not fall into the ocean, but the wind was too strong. Struggling to see, there was a huge ship anchored in the middle of the ocean, and big A on the side. It's them alright. I landed on the deck looking around for night watchmen, but there was no one to be seen. I kept my guard up and went below. The middle deck was full of security cameras, just a sudden movement and possibly an alarm could go off. It was a hell and a half to dodge everyone of them. Looking around the hallways, I saw a door chained up. A low laugh escaped my lips and I went up to it. Focusing all my energy to open all chains, the door flung open. The man inside looked at me.

Grunt: Intruder! Intruder!

I groaned and rolled my eyes, taking out the knock out spray from the bag I put it right in his face.

Me: Go. to. sleep!

With one spray he was out cold, I laughed and closed the door so I could get to business. I really didn't feel like bothering with anyone, like Archie. I plugged in the flash drive into the computer unit and waited. Running could be heard from each side of the hall way, and it was fast. I watched the down loading percentage slowly go up.

Me: Come on, come on.

The door flew open and I crawled through the vents, the flash drive in my pocket. The vents led to everywhere, I just kept going straight. One of the vents led to Archie's and Ana's room. Ana was a Vampdragum from the kingdom I knew well, Silver is her twin sister, and Archie is her husband. I ignored them and kept going to the vent that led to the outer deck. I thought I made it out okay, but I was surrounded by five grunts.

Grunt: You're gonna pay for knocking me out!

I stood quiet, a smirk slowly spreading on my face showing my fangs. I revealed a smoke bomb.

Me: Maybe another time kiddo.~

The smoke bomb hit the ground, all the grunts were coughing and covering their eyes. I bolted out of there, the wind came in handy for me on the way back. It gave me a little extra boost so their raidars don't detect me. By the time I got home, I didn't even bother waiting for Julia. I quickly changed clothes and hopped into bed. Lance was sound asleep, he was so adorable. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into me so I could cuddle him like a teddy bear. He moaned softly and smiled snuggling back.

Lance: You okay?

Me: Yeah, what about you?

Lance: I'm fine.

Me: Okay, go back to sleep dear.

Nodding his head, the was knocked out cold, I giggled laying down and drifted off to sleep myself. I really hope Lance won't find out what happened.

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