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I run my hand through my hair, the images of my regular nightmare reoccurring. The events of my kidnapping and a big unknown creature. I message Jeremy.

"Hey, are you up?"

"Yeah, nightmare again?", he soon replies.

"Yup. Why are you up though?", I ask.

"Went out with the guys."

I put down my phone and sigh. I should try to deal with this on my own and not always turn to Jeremy. It's true, he can always comfort me. His voice soothes me. But next year he'll be studying and he won't have time. But I still can't get over what happened in February.

I check my phone and see another message from Jeremy, "It's six o'clock anyway, so it's officially morning. I should probably get some sleep or two litres of coffee XD"

I head downstairs, deciding to watch a Disney movie. I was never too much of a fan of them, but lots of them display a carefree magical world that can comfort me. It was actually suggested to me by my mum, who had depression once, but watching Disney movies helped make her happy again. They never failed to make her smile.

Today I choose Tangled, inserting the familiar disk, but then I remember that it includes kidnapping, so I quickly press the open/close button repeatedly, getting nowhere. I finally just press the button once, so that it opens.

I replace it with Cinderella, the bright and magical classic. It is probably the brightest one of all, because even though there is the step mother, she isn't that bad for a villan.


After 75 minutes of cheerful singing and love at first sight, my mum comes down.

"Couldn't sleep?", she asks, sighing.

"Nightmare," I explain, my eyes focusing on the credits.


I nod, still watching the screen, trying to savour the last cheerful thoughts before I'm plunged back into reality. I don't want to go back to the harsh cruel world we live in. But as the credits end, I have to.

With a sigh, I turn the DVD player and TV screen off, looking up at my mum. I know the look that's in her eyes. She's wondering if I'm ever going to get over this. It's the thought I hate, because it makes me realise it's one of those traumatic experiences that can leave some one messed up for life.

"It's only been a month," I mumble, comforting both of us a bit, but the thoughts still there, never completely silenced, always in the corner of our minds, waiting to pounce at us.

My mum nods, "It's going to get better."

I weakly smile and head into the kitchen, hungry and ready for breakfast. It's early, but I don't care.

I pour cereals into a bowl, followed by adding milk. After taking a spoon, I tuck in, trying to fill the hole in my stomach. It's been here for a while now, ever since I got back. I don't now how it happened. I fell asleep and then... I was back. I woke up in Chris's house, because that's one place he knew I know, I assume.

After finishing my cereals I put the bowl in the dishwasher and head upstairs again. I get out my phone, but there are no notifications, so I browse the web in boredom. I type random things into google translate, learn about camels and jackals and go on good anti boredom websites. But eventually the boredom is overpowering and I put down my phone.

Now I grab my notepad and begin to sketch. I start with a face, soon drawing in the eyes and mouth. Suddenly I'm pretty sure I see a resemblance between it and Elias. I throw it away, the haunting images of the two worst days of my life filling my mind. I let out a scream as the darkness takes over.

Next thing I know, I'm in my mother's arms, comforted. A tear rolls down my cheeks and I whisper, "Make them stop. Please."

I can hear my mum crying and I feel guilty. This isn't fair on them. But I can't go on like this. I need to find something. Something that makes the cheerfulness stay with me, filling my mind. I need to. Before I go crazy.

A/N: Sorry that it's a short chapter! It's nice to be back though. This is mainly me getting back into the style of this story.
Thanks, randomnessofwriting, for your support and thanks to everyone who's added this story to their reading list!
I won't be updating that often, because I'm getting busier again. But I'll try!

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