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"Okay! Now, let's try just a simple task. I'm the hunter. Elias is back there. When the hunter arrives, go further and further away, closer to Elias, okay?"

I nod as Max explains this exercise. I position myself in the area Max assigns me. I know Elias is in the bushes behind me and Max is somewhere. I look ahead, nervous about the start.

When it actually happens, I will be able to sense he's there beforehand, but I need to stay, getting him into the sun. So no matter what, I'm supposed to stay still and then I can choose to run.

Max springs out of the trees and I almost can't run. But I spin and run towards Elias, my heart beating quickly.

Suddenly, I'm pulled up into the air in a net and let out a scream. So this was what they were working on. They wanted me to be prepared for anything.

Max is getting closer, so I try to free myself, but unsuccessful. I'm running out of time. He'll be able to reach me from underneath.

I sit up and scramble up the edges of the net, trying to pull myself as high up as possible. That's when I realise that no matter what, I'm trapped.

Luckily, Elias emerges from the grass, pouncing on Max, the two vampires brawling on the floor. It looks surprisingly real, but that's what Max wants - something as close to real life as possible.

I struggle with the rope, trying to create a hole big enough for me to get out of. I try to do it at the top, so that I can grab hold of the tree, however whether I'm strong enough to climb across the branch and then slide down the trunk is something entirely different.

Nothing seems to work on the rope and I grow frustrated. Underneath me, Elias is pinned and I sigh, knowing we failed. I stifle a laugh as I wonder if I should just let Elias turn me into a vampire. Besides, I'd escape some problems.

Max stands up, about to end this. However, just as he's about to speak, Elias springs onto him, winning an advantage thanks to the element of surprise. I grin, glad about that. In real life we'd have Max too, so that would make everything easier.

Elias pins Max and takes so moments to breath, joined by Max stealing Elias's strategy to reverse the situation. I wonder how Max is so strong.

"You two did well. However you should have searched your pockets. We assigned Denise to give you a knife. But overall, that was good. Besides, I'll be on your side."

Max smirks, letting go off Elias and standing up. He begins to walk off, simply adding, "Training is over for today."

Once he's gone, Elias jumps onto the net, making me feel uncomfortable. Déjà vu. Only last time I was running away from here.

After his teeth have torn through the rope, he sighs, echoing my inner emotions. I assume he feels the same, remembering the events of February.

To end the awkward silence, I mumble, "Bye," and walk off, escaping from the moment.

I return to the house through the door and for the first time and standing here alome. It takes a while to fully enjoy the luxury they live in, however there's always a glint of sadness in their eyes. It makes me question why they're so sad.

For the first time I notice the number of doors, the number making me question whether they all lead to separate rooms or each room has multiple doors along a wall. It sounds rather peculiar, however they may just want to make the main hall seem rather impressive.

Part of me wants to explore. Longs to find out what's behind all those doors and what's in the cellar, even though I'm scared of what's in a vampire's home. What if there's a skeleton or something?

Ignoring my doubts, I quickly scan the room, making sure nobody's there, before scurrying through a door.

The room it leads to has a long dark brown table in it, the legs coated in elegant carvings. It is surrounded by comfortable dining chairs - approximately 20.

I smile, loving the gorgeous design, however it's not the sort of thing I want to look at too much. My time is limited and I want to see the thing I have been wondering about for a long time now. The cellar.

Quickly, I explore some more exquisite rooms, including a guest bedroom, a library and a sitting room. But then I'm done and ready to see the room and looking foward to and dreading the most.

The cellar, which looks so dark. The cellar which has a foul smell. The cellar of a vampire's house.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while...

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