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Something is wrong. I can feel it.

I am sat at the dinner table - well, we only drink blood -, about to take a sip of wine, but I know something's wrong. I can feel it.

"Elias? What's wrong?", my father asks, while Max is the only one continuing to feast on his glass of blood. Typical.

"I... Nothing...", I sigh. There isn't much blood left, so I can go where I sense something happening after finishing.

I quickly empty my glass, followed by impatiently waiting for everyone else to finish. Max, noticing my hurry, takes a long time to finish, deliberately taking his time. I almost lash out at him. Finally we're finished, however my mother stops me.

"Elias... We need to talk about replacing Sapphire," she sighs, still irritated about me sending away, even though I've told her over and over again that I made her forget everything.

"Why? Why do we need to do it now?", I snap, my body tense.

"If John dies and Anne has a girl... You know what will happen. You'll want an heir and you can't get that if you end up marrying Laurette," she points out and I sigh. I hate the position I'm in.

"I... I'll look into it," I mutter, irritated, before starting to walk towards the door.

"Elias, what's wrong? Ever since you let Sapphire leave, you've seemed so... Down," she says.

"I don't want to go through what happened with Sapphire again. I just don't," I explain.

"Maybe... Maybe you could try to get her back, but... be nicer this time," she advises ne, however I reply with, "I don't know with how she reacted last time.

Then I walk outside.


I run as quickly as I can, but it's only at normal human speed since it's still day. The feeling that something bad's going on is getting worse and worse.

I catch a scent, one that pulls me towards it. I don't spend time identifying it, I just follow it, my feet starting to get a bit tired, due to my problem with sunlight.

Suddenly I see it. I see Sapphire and a vampire holding her. He's whispering something into her ear, while Sapphire looks tense and scared. When he opens his mouth, about to bite into her neck, I run foward and push him away, landing on him. We start to fight, wrestling each other on the ground. When he's about to kick me, I jump up and grab Sapphire.


We begin to run, taking a complicated route trying to confuse our vampire chaser. I run and catch Sapphire's scent, realising what attracted the chaser. Vampire scent. It wasn't just his, it was ones I knew. My mother's, my father's...

So he must have known that she had something to do with us, but why would he then try to turn her, marking her as his mate. It doesn't make sense.

I can hear Sapphire struggling for breath next to me and I sigh, stopping. We can't stay still like this for too long though.

"We need to hide your scent," I mumble, looking around, trying to find something that will do thr job.

"You're a vampire...", she nervously stutters, backing away from me.

"Yes, sorry princess, but he was going to kill you," I point out, remembering that she has forgotten me.

"I... Never knew...", Sapphire whispers, "You were going to change me, weren't you! That's why you took me! Elias, you left me traumatised!"

I stare at her, confused, "How can you remember that?"

"You don't just forget being kidnapped, you insensitive-"

"I tried to erase your memory," I bluntly reply, scanning the surroundings.

"You expect me to believe that?!" Sapphire yells, "You're a vampire, not a witch!"

I respond with, "Vampires are magical creatures. We have some magic. Not much, but a bit."

I find something that smells repulsive for me. Old food. Food is bad enough, although we can just about eat it, even though it leaves us leaving sick. But old food is unbearable.

"Urgh," I groan as I wrap it in some old clothing, before giving it to her, "Take this."

"You expect me to eat stale bread?!", she says, but I groan, "Carry, not hold. Your smell will leave a trail for him either way, but the stale bread smells disgusting."

I wish I didn't have to smell the food, but I can manage. I'm used to it, unlike some vampires.

Sapphire starts to walk, so I follow her, but she turns around, glaring at me, "Who said you're coming with me?"

"I can protect you Sapphire. As long as you're a human in a place without me, no one will protect you from him. Unless a vampire chose to protect you, thinking that you'd be saved, but eventually, when it became clear I wasn't going to come back... You'd be his."

"But humans make him hide," Sapphire claims, looking me in the eye, but I sigh and shake my head, "He'd eventually kill one of your parents and whichever one is left would need sleep, so that would be the perfect time to strike. Sapphire, I'm sorry, but you have to go."

Sapphire sighs, before looking up at me, ready to reply.

A/N: Hello, people!  Here's a question! Do you think she should go or not? Also, would you make more reader surveys, where you can say what you think is going to happen?
Thanks to all of you! It's already creeping up the mystery/thriller list, which I wouldn't be able to do without your help!
Thanks everybody! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed the story so far!
If you see notifications that I'm voting on my own books, that's Amy and I've repeatedly told her not to.

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