Chapter One

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A girl with blondish-brown hair jumps awake to her alarm that sang loudly from her phone. She quickly picks it up with a glare, especially when her gaze falls on the time. She shrugs as if accepting the defeat of forgetting to turn off her normal alarm that was meant to wake her for school. With a groan, she falls back onto the bed and stares at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"Fuck it." She finally mutters while throwing her blue comforter off of her. She quickly stands and walks around the random objects on her floor to the mirror that was placed across from her bed. 'Love you Jessica' 'Don't watch that show without me, Jessica' and many more messages were written across the surface. All of them covering the mirror itself to a point where she could barely see her own reflection, not that it mattered though. Jessica couldn't bear to see the scars that littered her arms and stomach any more than her mother could.  

With a yawn and a shake of her head, Jessica looks over the side railing and into the living room to see if her mother (or her boyfriend) had woken up yet. Much to Jessica's luck, they hadn't. Her loft was a good size, well as good as any teenager could get with a loft, it had a bed in the corner with TV on top of her desk. Which was near her mirror. 

Jessica quickly walks down the stairs and into the kitchen to start the morning coffee before she had to go to work. Which, in all honesty, she was regretting taking that morning shift. The machine beeps and Jessica pours some coffee into her to-go cup. She grabs her phone off of the counter and starts back upstairs, hopefully she'd be able to get out of the house before anyone woke up. 


After a while, Jessica finally comes out of the house in black jeans and a 'Little Missy's Cafe' blue t-shirt. Slowly Jessica pulls on her tennis shoes before walking out the front door to her car, swinging the keys around her finger as she went. The entire trip to the cafe Jessica had spent trying to finish her coffee as well as trying to finish what little breakfast she could scramble together. Jessica also had to make sure that she was going a little over the speed limit, she did not want to be late and risk losing her one income that was paying for her college tuition. 

Yes, Jessica had been a very bright child. With graduating high school at the age of fourteen and continuing on through the next two years of her life. Which, she was glad to say, she was almost done with college as well. 

"Morning Jess." A girl with brown, almost black, hair greets Jessica from behind the counter. She throws Jessica her apron with a smile. Jessica shakes her head and quickly ties it on.

"Boss here yet, Katie?" Jessica questions. 

"Not yet." She smiles. Katie Banner was Jessica's best friend since she could remember, Katie had lived with her mother all her life too. Not knowing her father, the black haired girl was a couple of months younger than Jessica but she was mentally seven to everyone that had gotten the chance to know her.

"So, Katie Banner, talk to your mom yet about that vacation to New York?" Jessica demands as she goes behind the counter to start stocking the napkins.

"You and I both know that neither of our parents would let us go." She scoffs. "And besides, you have student loans to pay off."

"That's the thing, I could tell her that I'm job hunting." Jessica smirks and rips the paper off of the napkins. "And then, I'll come to your mom and beg her for help because I honestly couldn't do this alone!"

"You are so dramatic, my mom would buy it." She laughs. Jessica lightly slaps her with the napkins before stuffing them into their containers. 

"We could also say that Jen was going." Jessica sheepishly offers.

"Jen? As in Jennifer? She lives on her own, my mom doesn't trust her enough. She barely trusts you!" Katie argues. Jennifer Walsh was a tattoo artist that the girls had met through other friends, together the three of them could cause a load of trouble if they were given the opportunity.

 Jen was honestly a good kid but sometimes she has to step up because of her....conditions. Her mother had left her when she was eleven to fend for herself, ever since they figured that out, Katie and Jessica had been giving her some of their salaries to help her out because of what she had done for the girls when they first met.

"True but she's more of an adult than we are." Jessica quips. 

"She's three months older than you." Katie deadpans and Jessica rolls her eyes in aspiration.

"She's still older." She finally mumbles.

"Can she even afford going?" She questions.

"Uh, probably?" Jessica shrugs and moves onto the next task, which was washing the tables.

"Oh, god. This is going to suck." Katie mumbles.

"Thanks." Jessica sarcastically mutters while throwing a towel at her best friend's face, which Katie quickly catches before impact. 

"I need you to make the morning coffee with that thing that you have." Katie states after a few minutes. Jessica stares back at her in disbelief, Katie knew everything about her yet she still asked her to do these things

"I can't control 'that thing that I have' so no. Make the coffee like you normally do." Jessica finally orders.

"You haven't burnt a cup in a week-"

"I said no!" Jessica snaps. Her hands grow hot and the towel she had been holding turns black as if it had been left on a stove top that was turned on high. The rag snaps in half and falls to the ground at Jessica's feet. "Son of a bitch."

"I'm sorry." Katie whispers while grabbing another towel behind the counter to wipe up the mess. Jessica purses her lips and grabs it from Katie's grasp to clean it up herself. 

"We'll talk about this later." She mutters. 

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