Chapter Seventeen

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Jessica's grip on Katie's wrist never loosens, even if she cut off people in the crowd. Jessica had attempted to teleport them both to the tower, but after the encounter with her brother Jess's powers had been weaker than before. Katie refused to allow Jess to go alone, so now they were both running the blocks to the tower. As fast as they could with people everywhere.

"Can you please slow down?" Katie calls over the chatter of the crowd. Jess ignores her and pulls Katie to a stop in front of the glass doors of the tower. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"Do you know how to work a gun?" Jess inquires.

"Yes?" Katie raises her eyebrows as Jessica literally hands her a gun from nowhere. "What about you?"

"I have fire abilities, I'll be fine." Jessica scoffs as she pushes through the doors. The receptionist was nowhere to be found, the entire room was filled with an eerie silence.

"You said they were weak." Katie hisses as they step into the elevator.

"Yeah, but Chris doesn't know that." She replies with a small shrug of her shoulders.

"And you said I was hopeless!" Katie whines.

"Are you sure you know how to work that?" Jess inquires while gesturing to her gun. The elevator begins to move and her stomach tightens. "He's really powerful."

"Cock, aim, fire, reload." Katie mutters. "Where's the amo?"

"Don't have anymore." Jess shakes her head. "We left in a hurry."

"Great." Katie mumbles to herself. "Just have to make every shot count."

"Exactly." Jess nods as the elevator slows to a stop. Katie raises the weapon and Jess raises her hands as the door starts to open. Little balls of fire begin to circle her hands as they both step through, each ready to fight.

Jess is the first to put her arms down with an expression of annoyance. "You've got to be kidding me. You're all fine!"

"What did you say to her?" Natasha demands while looking at Seth and Damien.

"I told Damien to tell her that Chris was trying to escape!" Seth quickly puts his arms in the air.

"I told her there was blood everywhere and that there was an emergency." Damien winks at Jess. "I knew she wouldn't come any other way."

"Are you serious?" Jess hisses in anger while ripping the gun from Katie's grasp. She quickly puts it in the waistband of her jeans but her glare never leaves Damien and Seth.

"Who's that?" Ian questions while gesturing towards Katie.

"My best friend." Jessica replies. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Peter. Peter Parker." Alex smiles while gesturing to the boy that the girls did not recognize.

"Hi." Peter smiles with a small, awkward wave.

"Hello." Katie smiles back.

"So, since there's no 'emergency', why am I here?" Jess inquires. "Because I ran a couple of fucking blocks to get here and it better not be for nothing."

"We." Katie coughs. "We ran a couple of blocks, my wrist was almost ripped off in the process."

"Well, we uh...wanted you to come back to the tower." Seth replies. "We wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"I'm fine." Jess lies.

"Oh yeah. You living in your room like a hermit that barely eats is totally fine." Katie rolls her eyes.

"Shut up!" Jess cries.

"Jessica." Tony swallows the lump in his throat and steps forward. He was resting his hand on the lap table like he was about to collapse from seeing her again. The room falls into an awkward silence as the two stare at one another. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." She shakes her head, completely dodging his question. "For um, jumping like that by the way. I usually am not that drastic when I have an...attack."

"There was the time you tried to drown your-" Katie stops her sentence when Jess elbows her hard in the ribs.

"I'd like to speak with you." Tony offers. His eyes sweep over the group before returning to his daughter's. "Alone."

"We'll give you some time." Steve smiles while placing his hand on Tony's shoulder. With a small gesture, everyone quickly clears out of the room. Including Katie herself. The two sit in silence for a while before Tony pulls out a stool from under the lab table. He gestures for Jess to sit and walks to the other side of the table.

Jess swallows her nerves and walks over to the stool. Tony starts to fiddle with a gadget, both of them watching it instead of each other. After a few minutes, Tony drops it onto the table because of his shaking hands.

"Come back." He suddenly orders.

"What?" Jessica questions, suddenly taken aback.

"Live in the tower. I'll give you your own floor." Tony offers. "That Katie girl can come as well."


"Just come back. I can't handle having one kid in the basement, one that I can't see because he hates me and the other living in New York except she hates me!" Tony continues. "I want you to know that I thought you were dead, if I would have known I would've come to help you. I would have...-"

"Tony." Jessica interrupts. "I believe you, don't worry." He takes a deep breath but still doesn't seem convinced. "I don't know if I can stay. Jen and Katie-"

"They can come too." Tony interrupts.

"Well that was one thing but I also was worried about the fact that we just got our apartment-"

"I'll pay for everything." Tony interrupts her again.

"You don't have to." Jess shakes her head. "We can figure that stuff out, if you really want all of us-"

"I do." Tony smiles. "Please."

"Okay." Jessica sighs while clapping her hands. "I guess I have to move again, huh?"

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