Chapter Three

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That night Jessica sat on the edge of her bed watching her phone and looking around at her now empty room. Jen had said to pack everything and she meant it. So, here Jessica was, sitting on her bed with a few duffel bags and suitcases full of crap that she had hastily packed right after her shift.  

As the seconds turned to minutes, Jessica was starting to slightly regret her decision to leave. She was going to live in New York with two people who shouldn't even be considered adults! She was leave her mom, well as much as a mother Aubrey could be. Jessica sucks in a breath and rubs her hands down her thighs in a nervous habit, something she had picked up a couple of years ago. 

Quickly, she stands and grabs her notebook from her desk top. Jessica rifles around her top drawer until she finally was able to get a sharpie, something (among others) that she had left behind. Without thinking about it, Jessica quickly puts the marker to the paper and just let's her heart out. It was the right thing to do, wasn't it? 

Dear Aubrey,

I realize that I did not say mom, I don't think you want that title any more than I want to give it to you. Well, I'm out of your hair now. I won't bother you or Tom again, I left maybe around midnight; after you and Tom left for the bar. 

No, I am not going to tell you where I went because you don't deserve it. I've always wanted to give you a proper goodbye like a hug or something but I realize that that is not going to happen.

So, goodbye. I hope our paths never cross again, if you are wondering where the box of my information that was under your bed is....well I took it. There is no use in you keeping it especially with the way I have been treated. 

So, this is to (hopefully) Goodbye forever.

-Jessica Maria

Jessica smiles with satisfaction, she looks down to see that she had put her mother's last name at the bottom of the page and frowns. She didn't want to be attached to her anymore than Aubrey wanted her to be. Jessica slowly starts to cross out the last part, just as her phone flashes with a new text. With a sigh, Jessica grabs a few bags and walks downstairs to where Katie waited with Jen. She half-heartedly smiles at them as they take her bags without a word.

Jessica quickly runs back up the stairs and grabs the last bag, as well as a small shoe box. The note lay on her bed where she left it, the marker laying on top. Jessica doesn't look back as she rushes down the stairs and to Jen's awaiting car. She stuffs her last bag in the back before falling into the back seat, the box clutched tightly between her hands. 

Jessica refuses to look at the house as Jen backs up and drives away, instead she stares down at the box. Forcing her tears back. 

"Our adventure begins today." Jen smiles through the rearview mirror. 

"Let's do this!" Katie smirks while pumping her fists into the air. 

How was Jessica supposed to know what the future would hold? She knew it wouldn't be as easy as Jen was hoping and she knew there'd be hardships, especially if she kept having those damn dreams every time she closed her eyes. 


Jessica's body plunges into the cold water, falling to the floor of the containment unit in seconds. The air that had never actually been in her lungs disappears. She barely struggles as her body finally bounces off the bottom. Jessica closes her eyes, as if willing death to come. She was ready, she kept telling herself, she had to be. 

A few seconds later something jerks her body upwards, Jessica's eyes snap open to see a man swimming, with her wrist in his hand, to the top. He roughly throws her outside of the unit and Jessica's body convulses as she lands on her side. Barely moving. 

"We will try again tomorrow." A gruff voice states. "Take her to the chambers."

Dream Over

Jessica jumps awake with a start as her eyes dart around the dark environment. Finally, her eyes land on Katie, who had fallen asleep, and Jen, who was silently watching the road. Concern was all over her expression, but she didn't say anything to give Jessica time to calm herself down.

"It happened again," Jessica chokes out while wringing her hands. 

"The dream?" She whispers and Jessica slowly nods in response. "When we get there, we'll find someone to help. I promise." Jessica flinches at her 'promise' but doesn't comment on it. 

"What can they do?" She questions. "Put me on drugs?"

"It would help wouldn't it?" Jen jokes but quickly clears her throat. "Sorry."

"I'm starting to feel like my father has something to do with whatever this is." Jessica mumbles while running a shaking hand through her hair. "I want to find him and see for myself, see if he's the reason I have all of....this."

"All of this? You gained more powers?" Jen demands and Jessica shrugs in response. 

"Sort of, I uh...haven't been able to control the second one as well as the first. It's taking most of my energy to keep it at bay now." She explains. 

"We'll figure it out okay?" Jen whispers, her mother voice coming into play. "I promise you that you do not have to live in fear because Katie and I are here for you."

"Thanks, you want me to drive?" Jessica offers and Jen gives her a quizzical look. "I'm not going to be able to sleep anymore and I need something to do to get my mind off of...everything." 

"Only for a little while." Jen finally gives. "Okay? I don't want you to push yourself." 

"Yes, ma'am." 

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