Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jess squints her eyes in frustration as she watches the codes that fly across the several screens. She sighs and runs a hand through her hair, this had been going on for hours and it seemed that she was no closer to finding out what the hell was wrong. Apparently, the government was smarter than the world gave it credit for. 

All at once, Jess jumps up when a certain code flashes across the screen to her right. Automatically, she begins to type as if her life depended on it. Which, it kind of did because this was technically breaking the law big time. Both Katie and Jen quickly sit up from their slouching positions at one of the tables. 

The lights flicker in the tower as one of the computer screens goes out. Katie looks around in horror before focusing her gaze back on Jess. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Fighting." Jess gruffly replies, barely paying attention to the two girls as her fingers flew across the keyboard.

"Fighting? Fighting what?!" Jen inquires. 

"They put in a safety net in case someone tried to break their code." Jess quickly explains. "And I'm fairly certain someone figured out what was happening and is firing codes just as I do."

"So you're pretty much playing a shooting game?" Katie raises her eyebrows as the elevator doors open. 

"What's going on down here?" Peter cries while stumbling into the room. "Everyone upstairs is freaking out and Tony sent me down here to 'check on the ice cream', what does that even mean?!" 

Jess ignores him and puts in the final code that she knew would make or break this 'fight' that was occurring between her and someone else. She presses enter and slides back as the computers literally crash before turning back on. The tower lights shut down, someone screams but Jess couldn't tell who it was, before they too turn back on a few seconds later. 

"Holy crap!" Jess cries while scooting further away from the computers. "I didn't do it."

"You sure as hell did!" Katie replies. "Wait, what didn't you do?" 

"What the hell is going on down here?" Tony shouts, no one had heard the elevator open, with a few Government agents flagging out behind him. "Are you guys alright?"

"We're fine." Peter mumbles, Tony winks at his daughter before he walks over to the computer to check things out. 

"We came down here." Jess clears her throat. "To see what was happening, saw someone run out." 

"Really?" The woman with a tight bun raises her eyebrow. "Where'd they go, Stark?"

"Not sure, ma'am." Tony sarcastically replies. "I am as in the dark as you."

"We can go after them." Katie offers while gesturing to the elevator. "I'm assuming Jess can use one of your computers to track them?"

Tony looks at all three kids, his mind swirling to try and come up with an excuse. They were really crossing the line here and if they didn't come back with someone, the plan may go down the drain completely. He licks his lips and nods. "Alright, yeah, Kid you go with them, alright?"

"O-okay, Mr. Stark." Peter nods. 

"I'll send our top agent, Montgomery, with them as well." The woman states while gesturing to the man beside her, who hadn't spoken yet. "Just in case." 

"Wonderful." Tony claps his hands. "A field trip, I'll let everyone upstairs know. Go on guys, have fun."

"Fun?" Jen raises her eyebrows. "Yeah, we'll definitely have fun with the agent that has a stick up his ass." 

"Jen!" Jess warns. "I think he can hear you!" 

Central Park
Secluded Area

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Katie whines while rubbing her arms. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Stick man's behind us." Jen chuckles. "That's why you feel this way."

"Would you stop being mean to him!" Katie cries under her breath. "I would like to know that he'll still help save our lives if we were in danger!"

"Jessica, where are we going?" Peter mumbles as Katie and Jen slowly walk behind them to continue their argument. 

"Not really sure." Jess shrugs without looking up from the tablet. "Kinda just taking random paths, hoping we'll find something that will keep us all busy until Tony and I can come up with a solution."

"Are you still mad at him?" Peter continues. 

"Jesus, Peter." Jess sighs while blowing a piece of hair out of her eye. "Yes, I'm still mad at him! He literally wished that Chris and I didn't exist."

"Okay, just checking." He mumbles while stuffing his hands in his pockets, just as Katie and Jen decided to join them once again. Katie sighs and grabs Peter's hand as Jen walks on Jessica's right side. 

"So, anything?" Jen inquires. 

"Nah, I'm just walking in a circle." Jess sarcastically replies. 

"Wait, I thought you said we were!" Peter whines. 

"Oh my god." Katie rolls her eyes.

"Wait." Agent Montgomery calls to the group causing everyone to jump out of freight because this was the first time he had actually spoke. 

"What?" Jen demands.

"There's someone there." He states while gesturing towards one of the large rocks that sat a few feet off the path. 

"Yeah, it could just be a reader trying to enjoy the quiet." Katie shortly replies.

"No." Montgomery shakes his head while pulling out his gun. 

"Whoa, whoa!" Jess quickly thrusts the tablet into Peter's chest, who answers with an oof, and blocks the agents path. "You can't just walk over there guns blazing!"

"Watch me, kid, you're not in charge here." He replies while trying to step around her, Jess huffs and steps in his path once more.

"I swear to god, you take one more step and I'll bash your head on that rock." She threatens. Katie sucks in a breath out of fear as the two watch one another, each daring the other to back down. 

"Fine." Montgomery sighs while putting his gun away. "You go over there then."

"I will." Jess scoffs before turning on her heel to walk over by the rock. She slows her pace and takes a deep breath, this was the right decision. She just had to keep telling herself that. 

Finally, Jessica reaches the other side of the rock, that had towered over Montgomery by at least three feet and was as long as at least four of him, her hands shaking with nerves. "Hi, sorry, I'm just trying to find the...." 

Jessica trails off, her eyes landing on the person who had been standing on the other side. They let out a breath a the same time, both of them staring at one another in shock. The shocked silence doesn't last long though, because something comes from behind the person shouting at the top of its lungs. A gun shot rings through the air and Jess flies back, slamming into a tree completely unconscious. 

Yet her mind was still completely focused on the stranger. 


So this is definitely changing from my previous book, if y'all read that, and going it's own way now. I know that there isn't going to be three like last series but maybe I can do two (depends on how long this takes) but wish me luck lol 

Also, double update you're welcome

-Author Out

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