Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was quiet in the hallway where Jessica stood outside of the room that the rest of the Avengers were waiting in. She just needed a minute, maybe two, to catch her breath and try to wrap her mind around what had actually happened. Without so much as a year, her body had aged almost seven years in the future. She was twenty-three freaking years old, officially, and she could legally drink! Things were just too weird. 

"Hey," Tony sighs while leaning against the wall. "You don't have to go in there if you don't want to."

Jessica doesn't look at him, instead she stares at the door in front of her, her hand resting on the handle now. "How many times did it happen?"

"Did what happen?" Tony inquires.

"How many times did you think it was a good idea to put me under?" Jessica repeats herself through gritted teeth. "And brainwash every nurse that learned the truth? You do remember what happened to Bucky when Hydra did that, right?"

"Are you comparing me to Hydra?" Tony scoffs, he pushes himself off the wall and stares at his daughter in surprise. "You can hear yourself, right?"

"Yeah, I can." Jessica replies while finally turning to look at him. "You put me to sleep forty-two times, dad, forty two fucking times!" 

"Hey, Steve doesn't like that language." Tony awkwardly states.

"I don't give a flying fuck!" She cries. " drugged me countless times because you were too scared to tell me the truth. What did you think would happen? I'd wake up and not question why I looked so old? I'd forget everything that happened?!"

"I thought that I could find a cure!" He shouts back. "I didn't want you kids to go through that! You were teenagers who shouldn't have gone out in the first place. Yet, because of me, you did. I was trying to find a cure."

"We could've worked on it together. Four heads is better than one." Jessica hisses. "How many times do I have to tell you that we are on the same side?"

"You're my daughter." Tony states while wiping his hand over his face. "You shouldn't have to. I should be the one taking care of you, taking all the risks, not you. You were just a kid."

They both sit in silence, their voices leaving an echo through the hall. Jess lets out a breath as her hand falls back to her side. Neither one of them speak to one another as if someone had stolen both of their vocal cords. Tony closes his eyes and rubs his temples, showing Jessica all the grey hair that he had gained since the accident. 

"We don't live a normal life." Jessica whispers, Tony doesn't look up. "You were all alone almost all your life since Pepper left, you have to let people in to help you. Dad, I know you want to take care of all of us and save the world, but you can't. No one can. Just like Steve says, you have to fight together and when the time comes; lose together too."

Tony doesn't answer. Jessica shakes her head and turns to the door, she places her hand on the doorknob and looks at her father one last time. He doesn't return her gaze so she shakes her head, takes a deep breath, puts on a brave face, and forces herself to walk into the dead silent room. 

Obviously, everyone in the room heard the argument but they were doing one hell of a job at hiding it. Bruce breaks his gaze away from the computers and gestures for Jess to come by him. She squeezes around the crowd and comes to a stop next to him. 

Bruce presses a button and the screen, which wasn't a screen at all but actually just the side of the Hulk cage, in front of them fades away to clear glass once again. "They can't see us." Bruce states while staring at the side of Jess's face. "Are you sure you know them?"

Jessica stares ahead. There was a raccoon holding a tiny tree, both of them wearing vests. A grey man with red tattoos was leaning against the wall, staring at a green woman who was pacing and speaking. She didn't recognize any of them, but the man, who was leaning against the wall across from her, she knew. 

His green eyes were narrowed at a spot over her head. He wore the same leather jacket from when she had first met him. His hair was a little disheveled now, but she could recognize him anywhere. He even wore the same t-shirt from when they had their first mission together, well escape. 

As if he could sense that she was watching, his eyes shift to hers and they 'lock gazes' even though he couldn't possibly have known she was there. Slowly, his shoulders sag and he looks away, his eyes closing in stress.

"Jessica?" Bruce whispers while placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I know the man in the red leather jacket." She mumbles, her voice cracking slightly. "I....his name is Peter."

"Really?" Peter Parker questions with a large smile. "Wow, someone that awesome shares a name with me!"

"Peter, he shot us." Jen states. "He's the reason we're here. "We should punish him....torture them slightly!"

"Jen!" Katie shouts. "It wasn't his fault! He's technically an alien that Jess startled! He was defending himself."

"The raccoon shot the gun." Jess corrects. "It wasn't Peter."

"Oh, great, it was the raccoon that shot us!" Jen rolls her eyes. 

"Hey! Dipshits!" The raccoon conveniently shouts. "We can hear you! Let us out or I swear I will slit all of your throats!"

"Bruce!" Steve shouts. "I thought you had fixed the speakers!"

"I-I did!" Bruce stutters while rushing to the computer. 

"How about we let you out." Jess shouts. Peter Quill instantly sits up at the sound of her voice, his eyes searching frantically. "If you let me speak to Peter, without all of you rushing for my throat."

"They won't touch you." Peter quickly states while looking towards the ceiling before turning his gaze to Rocket. "Or I swear to Gamora that I'll kick his ass."

"Why are you leaving her out of this?!" The raccoon whines.

"Because I respect Peter's wishes and you shot her." The woman, Gamora, rolls her eyes. "So, no, I will not be attacking her."

"I will not either, Rocket." The grey man shakes his head. "Quill still has my food on his ship."

"Thank you, Drax!" Peter shouts while gesturing towards him. "Jessica, if that's you, I promise that they won't touch you."

Slowly, Jessica turns to look at Bruce. "Open the door." She orders.

"Jessica, once you step inside, there will be no way for us to get to you fast enough to stop them from doing serious damage. The door will be locked, air tight, and it takes at least a thirty seconds to open." Bruce quickly explains.

"I trust him." She whispers while staring at the door. "Open the door, Bruce." 


I'm on a Disney binge and I can't stop


-Author Out 

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