Chapter Eighteen

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It took maybe a day for the three girls to move into the tower. Tony had his suits flying back and forth to set everything up on the floor, they even moved Jen while she was sleeping. For some reason, despite the noise of New York, she didn't even move a muscle. 

Katie stayed on the floor to direct the suits while Jess walked around with Damien and Ian, scolding them both for tricking her into running the few blocks to get to the tower. Tony, Bruce, Steve, and Natasha were all down in the lab. No one, besides them of course, really knew what was going on. Jess, though she didn't admit it, was actually a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see her father. 

Jess didn't always get to hang out with everyone because most of them knew her skills with a computer. They knew that she was the information bug, the rumors from SHIELD had officially come back to them, she knew everything and anything that had to do with anyone she had come in contact with at the tower. No one wanted to talk to her as much because they knew that she already knew their deepest secrets, the secrets that they had worked so hard to cover up.

For some reason, after Jess had hacked into SHIELD, she had started to get other nightmares. They were clearer than her other ones, the ones that she used to have before moving to New York. Instead, she was with each Avenger. Everything that they've gone through, it was as if Jess was standing right next to them. Sometimes, it would be her laying there in that torture chamber or her being forced to watch ballet dancers slide across the floor as they waited for Jess to break like the rest.

She would always wake up in cold sweats with something always on fire across from her or she'd wake up somewhere random in New York but for some reason, most of the times she showed up near the fountain that Seth had fallen into. She didn't tell anyone about it. Jess even went through the lengths to hack into Friday and make sure that her room was sound proof every night, set on a time that would not and could not be changed without a set password. 

"Hello? Earth to Jess?" Damien's voice rings through Jess's head. She stops walking and blinks a few times to try and bring herself back to reality. She had a book, To Kill A Mocking Bird, clutched to her chest. She shrugs with a small sigh, apparently she had started this journey with the intent to find a place to read.

"Yes?" She finally answers, almost forgetting that Damien was still standing there. 

"Are you okay?" He inquires, it was obvious that he was repeating himself. 

"Of course, why?" Jess questions. 

"Well, you've just been...distant lately." He explains while falling into step with her. "And you come home so early in the morning when no one has seen you leave, you haven't visited your brother, and you and Tony are avoiding each other like the plague."

"Well, I guess Tony and I are more alike. We don't talk about our feelings easily and the best thing to do now is to continue avoiding each other until it isn't as awkward." Jess explains. Apparently she wasn't wrong with her feelings about Tony avoiding her in the lab.

"It's awkward, for everyone." Damien mumbles.

"Is that why your mom sent you here to talk to me?" She demands while placing her hands on her hips. 

"I also volunteered." Damien states.

"Sure you did." Jess rolls her eyes as they stepped into the main living area.

"I did." Damien whines while walking over to the fridge. Jessica sighs and drops onto one of the breakfast bar seats. Her book falls onto the counter next to her, almost forgotten. 

"No you really didn't but I'm done arguing." Jess grumbles under her breath. Damien shrugs, as if he knew that he'd win, and opens the fridge to browse his 'shelf'. Apparently, each Avenger needed their own shelf in the fridges around the tower, so instead of being normal (as normal as one could get being the Avengers) with one fridge, the tower had at least three on each floor. It seemed that no one cared, though. 

"So, have you seen your brother yet?" Damien yawns. 

"No, I didn't think I was allowed to after...everything." Jess mumbles. 

"They can't tell you what to do, you're a grown-ass woman!" He argues.

"And my father is a few floors down." She quips.

"Yes, but he isn't technically your father because he hasn't spoken to you." Damien explains while tipping his head to the side. Jessica stares at him with an unamused expression. "Damn, okay. Never mind then." 

"Do you have anything else that you'd like to talk about?" Jess questions while looking down at her book. 

"Yes!" He whines. "Tell me about Spidey and your friend."

"Why?" Jess inquires. 

"Oh come on! You know everything! Don't you want to gossip about it? Let some of it out of your system?!" He whines.

"I don't know everything," She mutters under her breath.

"Jessica!" He whines again, sounding nothing like his mother.

"Damien!" Jess mimics. 

"Fine, don't tell me. See if I care." He grumbles and crosses his arms like a three-year-old.

"They're dating." Jess nonchalantly admits.  

"I knew it! Ian owes me twenty!!" Damien cheers while doing a small happy dance in his spot. Jessica raises her eyebrows and looks at him in amusement.

"Thought you said you didn't care."

"Shut the fuck up."

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