Chapter Twenty-Five

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Three Weeks Later
Avengers Medical Wing
June 3rd, 2018

Jessica sits up while cradling her head. Everything hurt. Her chest was screaming, her head was pounding, and her legs were stinging as if a thousand jellyfish were attacking all at once. Tony looks up from his chart and quickly thrusts it into one of the nurses hands, rushing to his daughters side.

Bruce had the same idea and together they both gently pushed her back down to the bed. Jess opens her mouth but Tony shushes her, not wanting to have her hurt herself further. Both he, Bruce, and the team that the government sent could not figure out what had actually occurred after the blast. 

"Dad?" Jessica questions despite his orders. Tony freezes up slightly but quickly tries to focus. 

"Don't speak. When you hit your head you strained your vocal cords. Bruce was able to fix most of the damage but there's still a risk." He explains. "Try to stay silent as long as you can."

"What?" Jess whispers. "What about Peter? Jen? Katie? Montgomery?" 

"What part of don't speak don't you get?" Tony huffs.

"Tony." Bruce warns while picking up Jessica's arm to check her pulse. 

"Okay, they didn't get hit as hard from the blast." Tony closes his eyes while rubbing his temples. "But they still...somehow had the same effects as you. We're trying to figure it out and we're questioning the people responsible-"

"I need to see them." She interrupts while trying to sit up again. Bruce and Tony immediately push her back down again.

"Honey, listen to me, you have to stay here and cooperate. Otherwise they will sedate you and we won't get answers." Tony calmly states while brushing a piece of hair away from Jessica's eye. "Okay? Once we know the answers I'll get them to you but you are seriously hurt right now."

"Dad, please, I know who he is." Jessica begs. "I won't move, bring him in here."

Bruce looks over at the nurse who was looking back at him with an expectant expression. Slowly, he turns back to Tony, who was still staring at his daughter as if he were trying to find a secret message behind her words.

"Tony." Bruce sighs. "You know they're watching and they're going to want to get answers. If Jessica says-"

"She doesn't know what she's saying." Tony shakes his head. "She's still sedated and not in the right mind. Friday, erase the footage from here. You." He states while gesturing to a woman that he knew worked for him and him only. "Take them to the room to get rid of these memories."

"Of course, Mr. Stark." The woman nods before gesturing to take everyone out of the room besides Tony, Bruce, and Jessica herself.

"Dad." Jess whispers. "Tony."

"Put her under, Bruce." Tony orders. Jessica starts to struggle again. "Bruce, now!"

"No!" Jessica cries. "Please, no! I'm not lying to you! Dad! Please don't do this to me! I need to know! I need to see him!" She screams as Bruce quickly puts the medication into her IV. After a few seconds, she calms down and falls back to sleep, Tony finally steps away.

"She will have to know what happened soon, Stark." Bruce shakes his head while throwing his needle on the table. "We can't keep erasing her memory and putting her under like this."

"I'm her father." Tony sternly replies. "I get to decide what happens."

"Tony." Bruce rubs his temples. "Every time we do this to Jessica, we have to do this to Peter, Jen, and Katie. Think about what you're doing to their parents, what you're doing to me?"

"She can't know, Bruce!" Tony shouts while stepping away. "She was sixteen three weeks ago and these assholes blast her into a tree. How does that change her? Tell me!"

"We don't know." Bruce sternly replies. "Calm down, Stark, before I ask you to leave."

"This is my tower." Tony scoffs. 

"But I'm her doctor." Bruce argues. "And I have higher jurisdiction."

"A few more days." Tony finally bargains, his shoulders sagging. "That's all I ask. I just need a few more days to wrap my head around this."

"How long do you think she's going to need?" Bruce demands. "Tony...she's living this. The more you put them all under, the longer they take to understand what is happening and the worse they get."

"I know." Tony shakes his head.

"No, I don't think you do." Bruce scoffs. "She wakes up next time in the same room as the others. You don't get to be in there because they're all staying awake by their own choice and if she wants to see the guy that did this to her, then she damn well will see him."

"You can't do this!" Tony cries. 

"Watch me, Stark." Bruce replies. "Because I haven't seen my daughter in weeks thanks to you and I sure as hell am making sure she's awake. So you can either cooperate or end up just like them."

"Watch yourself, Banner." Tony threatens while stalking towards the door. "You may just be the next person that falls. Not me."

"We'll see about that." Bruce shakes his head as Tony leaves the room, the door slamming behind him. A few minutes later, the door opens again and the three nurses that had been escorted out enter with clipboards all clutched to their chests.

"Alright." One speaks up. "The date is May 20th, 2018. Any progress with Ms. Stark since the recent surgery."

Bruce sighs and rubs a hand over his face again before repeating the line that he had been saying to them for three weeks. "Oh, no progress. Vitals are normal, I'm just finishing up here. You girls go check on the others, I'm good here." 


I'm watching Grey's can see my inspiration :)

-Author Out

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