Chapter Twenty

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Tony's Car

After the two had eaten at the shawarma joint, they'd gotten into his car and fallen into silence again. This time, though, it was obvious that Jessica wasn't lost in thought, just lost in the awkwardness. 

"So, you like ice cream?" Tony clears his throat. Jessica slowly turns away from the window to look at him in confusion but she nods when she sees his struggling expression, one that he wasn't doing well to hide. 

"We don't have to do this you know, I mean, I feel it's better for us to sort through our emotions enough to be able to talk it through before pouring it out onto someone else," Jessica finally replies. Slowly, Tony looks at her before looking back at the road in front of him. 

"That's not healthy, trust me." He sighs. "I've tried."

"So what am I supposed to do?" She demands, more to herself than Tony. "Talk it out like some stupid chick flick movie?"

"It would help." Tony mutters. "So how about you go first?"

"Really?" She scoffs but he looks at her with an expression that showed he wasn't kidding. "Fine, what do you want me to say?"

"What was it like?" He questions.

"Torture?" Jessica inquires with her eyebrow raised.

"The're uh...your brother said it felt like someone was opening doors." Tony elaborates. "I wanted to know how it felt for you."

"At first it hurt like hell." She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Then it just felt, powerful I guess. Like I could do anything and everything and no one could stop me. I hated it."

"That sounds like something Hydra would want," Tony admits before pulling through the drive through of an ice cream shop on first avenue. 

"Yeah but after it just felt like torture again, it made me want to move even less. I couldn't handle the pain at times and just wished it would end." She whispers. Tony doesn't reply as they pull up to the window, his own mind was filled with memories from a few years ago when he felt the exact same way. Maybe they were more alike than he thought. 

Avengers Tower
Same Time

Chris seethes as he stares at the locked door that was keeping him in the chamber, his glare never lessened as an Avenger walked in to give him his lunch through a panel on the side. "Hey, don't know why I'm given this job." The man laughs. "But hi, I'm Scott." The brown haired man stands there awkwardly as he waits for a reply, not gaining one after a few minutes, Scott sighs and taps on the glass.

"Hello? Earth to Crazy?" Scott calls, Chris' head turns slowly to look at the man in anger.

"You know my power?" Chris hisses as Scott stumbles back while grabbing his head. "Get me out of here." Without a word, Scott's eyes turn a dark black before he stands in soldier-like form. Scott moves wordlessly towards the controls and unlocks the door, Chris stands with anger written on his features as he walks closer to the man.

"Find Jessica." 

Avengers Basement/Garage Area
Few Minutes Later

Tony and Jess laugh with one another until tears are falling from their eyes. The two, after a heart felt conversation, decided to swing by Central Park and mess with a few people just to lift their spirits. Jess figured that she was glad they had that part of their personalities in common. Tony pulls into the garage and stops the car, both continue to giggle as they climb out of the car but they both instantly cut themselves off when they see Chris's empty cell. 

"Get your suit," Jessica orders as she teleports her own uniform on. Tony nods and they don't speak again as she closes her eyes and forces herself to teleport to the main living area. 

"Ahh, sister, come to join the party?" Chris's voice rings through the empty room. Jess turns in a circle to see the Avengers all in a circle, each tied to a chair, with no furniture in sight. Scott Lang, someone Jess had only met a few days ago, stands across from her in a trance-like state. His eyes a soulless black that made Jess shiver. 

"Classy, real classy Chris." She scoffs and waves her arm in Scott's direction. He blinks a few times while stumbling, his eyes going back to their original brown. 

"You really have grown stronger." Chris laughs as he steps from the shadows to touch Scott's shoulder. Instantly, his eyes change back to the ugly, blank, and black state. Jessica purses her lips in anger while lifting her arms towards her face. She turns her palms around and Chris flies back against the wall, leaving a dent in his wake. "Oh, Jessica, this is not like when we were kids."

"I wasn't planning on it Jackass." Jessica hisses, Steve winces in his spot, as Chris rushes forward. He punches towards her stomach and Jess quickly backs away to avoid the blow, instead he hits her shoulder quite hard.  

She goes to kick his gut but Chris catches Jessica's foot with a smirk, he twists her leg causing her to go with it to the ground. Jessica groans in pain as he leans down close to her face as if he were about to taunt her again. She quickly takes the opportunity to kick him in the face, hard. Chris stumbles back as Jess quickly scrambles to her feet. 

Chris screams in anguish or anger, Jessica couldn't tell, and touches the metal table next to him. Slowly, his skin begins to change and turn into that material. Jessica falters and stares at him in disbelief. No way, Chris couldn't do that before. His smile grows at her expression of confusion.

"You're not the only one who has gained abilities," Chris taunts before rushing towards Jess with his fists raised. Jess quickly raises her arms in front of her face, a wall of fire quickly erupting from her skin to surround her. Chris's skin starts to become hotter and hotter as he stumbles back from the impact. 

Jess falls to the ground and watches as Chris reaches out to touch the marble staircase. Jess lets her head fall to the ground and lets out a groan before she quickly stands. Chris is by her side in seconds and tries to punch her face, she moves and instead gets hit in the arm. Jessica hisses in pain before teleporting across the room.

"Running away are we?" Chris mocks. "Guess you've always been good at that."

"Other way around Jackass." Jessica quips in anger. Slowly, she turns to see one of the pillows from the couch laying on the floor behind the corner wall. Before Chris can make another move, Jess grabs the fabric and teleports right in front of him. She forces the pillow onto his face and watches as his skin changes to the soft, plush fabric. Quickly, she lights her hand on fire and grabs his arm, Chris screams in pain and anguish. 

His skin goes back to normal and Jess scrambles away to grab the vase on the table. Chris begins to sit up but Jess immediately brings the large object down onto his head. Chris goes limp and falls to the ground, Jessica soon after. She rolls over and stares at the ceiling for a few seconds, just trying to catch her breath. 

"I hate Mondays," Jessica whispers while throwing her arm over her eyes just as Tony's suit arrived on the floor.

"Are they dead?" His robotic voice demands.

"Took you long enough!" Jessica shouts while sitting up to look at everyone. Tony was out of the suit that stood next to Seth's chair. Now he was untying everyone but they all continued to stare at her in awe. 

"He's a genius! He hacked into my system!" Tony argues.

"That was" Scott sighs while running a hand through his hair. "Or, I helped. I don't know, I couldn't control anything."

"He possessed your self-conscience," Jessica announces. "One of his abilities, that's why your eyes were all black."

"Like....Supernatural?" Alex's voice questions. Jessica sighs and slowly turns to look at him.

"Lil bit." She finally nods. "And I love you so much for understanding that." 

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