Chapter Two

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"Mom? I'm home!!" Jessica shrieks while walking into her home, throwing her keys into a little purple bowl by the door.

"Kitchen!" She yells back with an annoyed tone. Jessica sighs and quickly walks up the stairs to her room, obviously her mom was not in the mood for anything today.

"And she's on the phone ignoring me, what's new?" Jessica whispers to herself as she falls onto her bed. Within seconds, her phone rings and she lets out a loud groan before answering. "You do realize that you are downstairs and that I have a loft correct?"

"Tom's coming over so get your dinner now, he doesn't want to see you tonight." Her mom's annoyed voice states over the phone. Jess hangs up the phone without answering. Her head falls onto the pillows with an audible groan, it was like this almost every night so what did she truly expect? A hug and a kiss from her mom? God, that would mean the apocalypse would officially commence.



"Chris! Slow down!" Jessica  screams as she chases a younger boy, her little legs not really carrying her that fast. 

"Jessica, go, before someone sees you!" Chris orders as he whirls around to face her, his friends all keep running towards the treeline. No one stops to wait for him.

"Why can't you take me with you?" Jessica cries. "They hurt me, Chris!"

"I know, sweetheart." He sighs while kneeling down to wipe a tear from her cheek. "I have to find us a new life first, but I'll be back. I will always protect you."

"Do you promise?" Jessica's voice breaks as she looks up at his face, that was covered by the shadows. 

"Yes, I promise." Chris nods. "Now go inside, pretend to sleep, before the guard finds you out here."

"Okay." She replies. "Come back!"

"I will."


"Did you get any sleep last night?" Katie questions as Jessica scrubs the same spot on the table again, just as she had been doing for the past seven minutes. 

"No." Jessica groans. 

"Sup bitches!" Jen, a brunette with a nose piercing, yells from where she was standing in the doorway of the cafe. Katie shakes her head as Jessica stares at Jen in confusion. 

"When did you get here?" Jessica tiredly demands. 

"Seriously? Are you drunk?" Jen inquires. "Doesn't matter, I do that too. Did any of you see the newest episode of Supernatural last night? Freaking Cas!"

"Are you drunk?" Katie questions. 

"I'm high on life!" Jen replies. "Does that count?"

"Say it louder, why don't you?" Katie scoffs.

"I'm high on life!" Jen shrieks, causing several customers to glance in her direction. 

"Shhh." Jessica hisses without looking away from the table. 

"The bestest thing happened to me!" Jen exclaims as if Jessica hadn't spoken.

"Bestest?" Jessica inquires as she finally looks up at Jen.

"Shut up college student." She orders. "But my aunt died."

"How the hell is that the 'bestest thing that happened to you'?" Katie questions while raising her eyebrows.

"She was rich! So, I'm taking you and you to New York and paying off your the rest of your student loans because I can!" She smiles. Jessica's jaw drops, her mind becomes less cloudy as if someone had poured water all over her. "I even found a penthouse apartment for us to live in if we never wanted to come back."

"You don't understand how much I love you right now." Jessica whispers. Jen smirks as Katie turns to look at Jessica with her own smile, the worry for her friend slightly slipping away.

"I can't believe this is happening." Katie finally whispers. "You can get away from your psycho mom and I get get away from mine and-"

"I also got us tickets to go to one of the Supernatural panels." Jen suddenly interrupts while checking her phone, her brand new phone that didn't at all look like her old flip one. "The tickets finally came through."

"Shouldn't you be saving the money?" Jessica inquires.

"Shush, you can worry about the bills later on." Jen scolds while wrapping her arm around Jessica's shoulders. "For now, just enjoy this, will you two? This is what you've been working for! All the money you saved up, you could use to buy me Chinese or something."

"That I think we can afford." Katie laughs. "So, when do we leave?" 

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