Chapter Five

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Jessica jumps awake with sweat dripping down her face like tears. Her books were floating around her body as well as the knickknacks that she had spent so long setting up a few hours ago. Slowly she takes a deep breath but, much to her dismay, it cases every object to fall to the floor with a crash as loud as a gun shot. Jess covers her head and tries to curl as close to the wall as she could to avoid the objects. After everything falls silent once again, she looks over her knees to see most of the things broken on her floor but Jessica doesn't move in fear of someone coming in to yell at her like her mother used to do. 

When no one does, she crawls to the edge of her bed and stands on shaking legs. Quickly, Jess skips around the objects on the ground until she reaches the door. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes to try and calm her rapidly beating heart. Jess grabs a sweatshirt off of the floor and rapidly walks out of the room. As she walked through the apartment, Jess pulled her hair into a ponytail and grabbed her phone off of the counter. 

In the elevator, she plugs her headphones into the device and takes off as the doors start opening. Nobody seems to care about the girl running out of the place with tears and sweat already streaking down her cheeks. She runs as fast as her legs would allow her too and anywhere they'd want to take her. Not caring about the distance or the location. Finally, she somehow ends up somewhere in Central Park, but she doesn't stop.

Few Hours Later

Jess finally falls against a tree and slides down the bark as she tries to stop her heavy breathing. She takes out her headphones and lets them drop onto her lap. Slowly, Jessica's gaze trail back down the path that she had come from to see a man running in her direction. He was wearing a tight, blue athletic shirt, with blonde hair that was sticking to his forehead with sweat and beautiful blue eyes, the tight shirt shows off his toned body. 

Jess seems to feel a set of eyes on her and she blinks. Her cheeks heat up as she realizes that she had been staring and that she had caught the mans attention by doing so. 

"I've seen you running since midnight, I'm no math genius but I'm pretty sure that a normal body can't run for six hours straight." The man...well boy laughs as he comes to a stop next to her. He leans against the same tree with his arm, his chest heaving. Jess looks him up and down, quickly realizing that he was around her age. 

"Yeah, so you're a stalker or serial killer?" She spits and his expression changes from comical to taken aback. "Well, if you've been watching me since midnight." She scoffs while gesturing to him as if that would be an explanation. "And it's not just math, it's health and biology included."

"My mistake. Seth, Seth Rogers." He smiles while extending his hand to her. Jess sighs but takes it, he pulls her up to her feet and waits for an answer. 

"Jessica." She finally states while crossing her arms over her chest.

"No last name or you just don't trust me?" Seth laughs.

"First, I just met you so it's entitled and second I don't have one." Jess shortly explains.

"Ahh, care to explain that to me over coffee?" Seth offers.

"I forgot my wallet, how about tomorrow?" She counters, trying her best to inch away from the uncomfortable silence.

"I'm paying." Seth states.

"I can't let you do that." Jess argues while dropping her hands. "No way." 

"Then don't let me, I'm still going to do it." He replies with a small, genuine smile. Jess finally chuckles and shakes her head at him.

"Fine but I get next buy." She gives.

"Deal." Seth agrees while gesturing for Jess to lead the way.

"I just moved here like last night, I think you should lead the way." Jess sheepishly admits. 

"Am I going to be able to hear about this over coffee, or is that too much to ask?" He inquires.

"I guess I could explain some of it." Jess offers. 

(8 AM)

"Okay, not to be rude or anything, but I thought my life was bad?" Seth shakes his head. "I literally just complained to you about being in my father's shadow for half an hour and you throw this at me?"

"Should I apologize...or?" Jess raises her eyebrows towards him. 

"No!" Seth quickly puts his hands in the air. "I'm sorry if I made it seem that way, I'm just...trying to wrap my head around this."

"Yeah, you and me both." Jess scoffs while taking a sip from her mug. 

"You really don't know anything about yourself before...what six years old?" He questions.

"Do you?" She demands. "I thought it was normal to forget stuff." 

"Yeah, stuff, not everything." Seth replies.

"Well, then." Jess sighs. "Yes, I don't remember anything." 

"Have you talked to someone? Your...wait not your mom." He shakes his head. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting it to be this. I thought you were going to say that your dog died or something."

"And that would cause me to move to New York?" Jess raises her eyebrows.

"I don't know, maybe?" Seth shrugs. 

"Wow." Jess rolls her eyes and slowly looks around the cafe that was now starting to fill up. 

"Oh shoot, I've got to go. I'm so sorry." Seth suddenly exclaims after glancing at his phone. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Make what up to me?" Jess demands as he slaps a few bills onto the table. "We've been here for two hours." 

"Usually, the guy walks the girl home, does he not?" Seth questions. Jess smiles and grabs the napkin off the table, with his pen, she scribbles down her number and stands from her seat. Seth was long gone by now, he had walked out with a wave after slapping money onto the table. 

Jessica shakes her head and walks out of the cafe with a little swing in her step, she crosses the street and turns to walk backwards. Seth rushes back through the doors and to the table by the window, she watches him smile as he picks up the napkin and looks around to find her. 

Jess turns around again, not really feeling the need to watch him anymore. Instead, she starts back to her apartment with her head in the clouds and her music volume up once again. 


Jess walks into the apartment as quietly as she possibly could. She takes her time to close the door before turning to set her things on the counter, only she jumps out of her skin when she sees Katie standing there with her hair in a messy bun and a tired yet worried expression.

"What happened?" Katie demands.

"What do you mean?" Jess inquires. 

"Your room? It's in shambles." She clarifies.

"Oh." Jess mumbles. "I...I had a nightmare last night, I was going to pick it up later." 

"Where were you?" Katie continues.

"What are you, my mom?" Jess questions.

"Someone has to be!" Katie throws her hands in the air. 

"I just went for a run." Jess rolls her eyes.

"See? Was that so hard?" Katie mumbles. "Breakfast?"

"Nah, already ate." Jessica replies while crossing her arms over her chest.

"What's the plans for today?" She questions.

"Uh, I'm going to the library, Jen's going to the bank because she's paranoid suddenly and she wants you to go with her." Jess explains. "At least that's what she told me last night after you fell asleep." 

"Damn it." Katie grumbles. "It always has to be me!" 

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