Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eventually, Jess, Katie, and Jen were able to clean themselves up. Getting rid of soot, marks, and even a little blood that had appeared. Jess had dressed herself in leggings and a tank top with her Burks. Slowly, she ties her hair into a braid as the elevator rises from their floor to the main living area. The doors open to reveal something that each girl wasn't prepared to see.

All around stood government officials, SHIELD agents, and the Avengers. Each were sitting or standing at a large table in the middle of the room. The furniture that had been there before was no where to be found and instead of the small TV, there was a large monitor showing a man that looked like he had a stick up his ass. 

"Ah, I apologize." Tony quickly stands when the man had trailed off at the sight of the three girls. "This is my daughter, Agent Ross, she lives her with the other Avengers' kids."

"I heard." The man, Ross, replies with a click of his tongue. "Saw you jumping off the balcony a few months ago on the news."

Jess rubs her feet on the ground as her face heats up in embarrassment. She clears her throat and looks at Jen and Katie for some support but they seemed as frozen as she felt. Tony chuckles and quickly wraps his arm around her shoulders as if their fight had never happened. 

"Yeah, we were experimenting some new equipment, obviously it didn't go well." He lies. "Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Jessica. Would you girls mind running to my lab and getting those papers on the ice cream building that I just purchased?"

"What ice cream store?" Jess demands but Tony doesn't answer, he was already leading them back to the elevator. 

"They have eyes everywhere." He whispers under his breath. "Shut it down." 

With that, he smiles and pushes them into the elevator. The doors immediately close and the elevator shoots down a few floors to Tony's private lab. Jessica gasps as she steps through the doors and onto the marble floor. She had never been in this one before. 

"When did they even have the time to set all that up?" Katie demands while walking to one of the lab tables. "And why the heck aren't we supposed to be there?"

"I'm not sure." Jen mutters. Obviously, they hadn't heard Tony. Jess opens her mouth to explain but stops short when her eyes land on a picture that Tony had on his lab table. She tilts her head to the side and picks it up, a small gasp leaving her lips. 


"Come on Chris!" A young five-year-old blonde girl shrieks while running around the courtyard of the house they were kept at, a boy with brown hair laughs while chasing after her. Younger children stand around silently as they watch the two running around with smiles on their faces, advisers stand in the windows watching with frowns. 

"Jess! Slow down!" The brown haired boy laughs as he picks up the girl and spins her around.

"Chris, I wanna go home." The small girl whispers.

"I know, we can't though. Remember? These people said they were helping us." Chrisreplies with a sigh.

"Where's mom?" The girl mumbles.

"Waiting for us." Chris smiles. "Just like dad is." 

"Who is daddy?" She questions.

"I don't know," Chris mutters as they both sit down on the ground, the little girl looking up at her brother with admiration in her eyes. "Maybe he's a superhero."


It was a picture of Chris and herself at one of the facility houses that they had been kept at years ago. Upon further investigation, Jess could tell that it was printed off from the computer but her brain buzzed with questions. The largest one being why Tony had this in the first place.

"Jess? What's going on?" Katie demands, pulling the girl from her thoughts. 

"Tony said the Government has infiltrated the tower." She announces. "We have to shut it down....or I have to."

"Why would you say that out loud?!" Jen hisses. "They could be listening."

"This is Tony's private lab, Jen." Katie quickly explains. "He sent us down here for a reason."

"He has fail safes." Jess states. "They couldn't get in here even with the best hacker in the world. It's the loophole effect." 

"I don't know what that is and I honestly don't care." Jen sighs. "Can you get them out?" 

"I'll try my best." Jess nods. "But I'm going to need a pair of glasses, I can't see shit."

"Why do you keep forgetting your own?" Katie whines as she and Jen look around to try and find a pair. 

"I found some." Jen reports. "But I think they're Tonys." 

"That'll do." Jess sighs as she sits down on one of the stools that was in front of the six different monitors that hung on a wall across from the elevator. "This is going to take a while." 

Immediately, Jess begins to type in several codes to enter into Tony's system. Her eyes scan through the numbers and codes that appear in front of her, trying to find the error or bug in the system. 

"This is going to take for ever." Jen groans. "So, ice cream?"




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