Chapter Eleven

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The two finally arrived at Avenger's Tower about fifteen minutes later. Seth drove straight into the garage without waiting for it to open wider than the car, which scared the shit out of Jess. He had just laughed at her and pulled into the only open parking spot. 

"Where does everyone else park?" Jess questions as they both climb out of the car. "Because I don't think your father owns a Ferrari." 

"We don't." Seth shakes his head and gestures for her to follow him to the elevator. "Most of us don't drive, except for SHIELD cars."

"So you're all stranded here?" Jess raises her eyebrows.

"No, we usually just 'borrow' Tony's cars." Seth jokes. Jess chuckles as he presses the button for the elevator. They wait a few seconds, in silence, for the doors to open. Once they do, Seth gestures for Jess to go in first. 

"Are you sure that I should be here today?" Jess questions. "I don't know...I kind of left in a hurry last time we were all introduced to one another." 

"They all don't mind." Seth waves her off and leans against the wall. "It's happened before, with all of us, if you believe that." 

"Hardly." She mutters under her breath. Before Jess can ask something once again, the doors open to reveal a large room. It looked like her living room back in the apartment, just ten times larger. There were a few more couches laying around as well as a larger TV. The kitchen was large and a fully stocked bar sat right next to it. "Woah."

"Yeah, Tony decorated this place for everyone to hang out between missions." Seth shrugs as he walks past her into the room. 

"Where is everyone?" She questions.

"Around somewhere." Seth shrugs while falling onto the couch. "Come sit, they'll all be here soon." 

With a sigh, Jess fixes her backpack and sits down on one of the chairs adjacent to the couch. She sets her bag down by her feet and allows her gaze to wonder, taking everything in before people would come and distract her. 

"Hey! You're here!" Ian's voice calls, echoing off the walls of the living area. 

"Hi." Jess waves to him. He smiles and bounds over the couch, jumping over the back to land next to Seth. 

"I didn't think you would actually come!" He slaps his knee. "Damien owes me money now!" 

"You bet on me?" Jess raises her eyebrows.

"They bet on everything." Seth rolls his eyes. 

"That's comforting." She comments while running her hands down her thighs. A vent pops open and a brunette boy swings through. He flips over and grabs the side before falling to the ground in a crouch. Slowly he straightens up with a smirk and flips his hair back.

"I give it a solid seven." Ian shakes his head. "Your dismount was sloppy."

"Thanks." The boy rolls his eyes but he quickly straightens himself when he sees Jess. "I'm Alexander Bar-"

"Barton, Clint's son right?" She interrupts.

"Yeah? How'd you know?" Alex raises his eyebrows.

"Well, I've heard stories from Phil about your father in the vents." Jess shrugs. "I put two and two together."

"That is the best thing I've ever heard!" Another male voice calls from behind the couch, no one flinches. "Hi Jessica, I'm Damien. Natasha's son."

"Nice to meet you." She mumbles. 

"And that's all of us." Seth shakes his head. "I'm pretty sure you already know who the adults are, so I'm not too worried."

"So, you're just a team full of guys?" Jessica inquires.

"What's wrong with that?" Ian demands.

"Well, there's no girls, right?" She continues.

"Yeah...?" Alex looks at her with a quizzical expression.

"So, if I say yes to this, I'll be the only girl." She slowly states. 

"Oh, Ian's pretty much a girl." Damien jokes while ruffling Ian's hair. "You'll be fine." 

"Shut up, will you?" Ian huffs in anger. "Where are our parents? They're supposed to meet her too."

"They'll be here soon." Seth assures him. "We were supposed to talk to her first." 

"So we have an itinerary?" Jess jokes. 

"I like you." Alex nods while crossing his arms. "We should keep her." 

After a few hours of just getting to know the guys, Jess had been introduced to their parents. She had spoken to each of them, everyone giving the bare minimum of effort to the conversation because most, including Jess, just didn't know what the hell to say. 

Bruce and Tony had taken blood samples and entered into the tower's mainframe so Jess would be able to come and go as she pleased, without waiting for someone to let her in or out. So, Jess decided that, around eight at night, it was time to go. She had been there for a while and everyone was starting to disappear. Everyone except Damien who had stayed to keep her company until she was truly ready to go. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home or something?" Damien questions as Jess begins to walk outside the front lobby.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She smiles. "It's only eight o'clock and I need to clear my head."

"Spending all that time with Ian probably put a damper on everything, huh?" Damien jokes while leaning against the door frame. 

"Sure." Jess laughs in response. "I'll uh...see you soon I guess?"

"Come back tomorrow." Damien orders. "I just remembered something cool that you'll want to see." 

"Okay, tomorrow." Jess smiles. "See you, Damien." 

"Bye, Jessica!"


"Banner, this has to be a mistake. My daughters dead." Tony scoffs as both men continue to study the data that Friday had printed off for them. "Aubrey said she died."

"Aubrey always did lie." Bruce mutters. "You and I both know that."

"I can't have a daughter." Tony mutters. "Especially now, I'll ruin her." 

"Tony, she needs a dad. Look at her file, what her own mother did to her. She needs you." Bruce argues.

"What am I supposed to do?" Tony mumbles as his head drops into his hands. "I can't be a father, especially after Pepper and...."

"I know, he was a good kid but now you have a second chance. You need to take it." Bruce orders while patting Tony's back. "If you can't do it for yourself, do it for her."

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