Chapter Six

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Jess, seeming too engrossed in her book, barely hears a man clear his throat to gain her attention. At first, she had believed that it was for someone else entirely, but when the man does it once more, she finally looks up from over the top of her book to lock eyes with him. He wore a crisp suit and tie, both black, with matching sunglasses covering his eyes. He had thick brown hair that swept back on his forehead. He smiles at her as she sets down her book on the table. 

"Um, bathrooms are that way." Jess mumbles while gesturing with her thumb somewhere towards the back. 

"Thanks but I won't be needing them." The man replies. "I'm Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD. You're Jessica Davis, correct?"

"Depends." Jess replies. "What's this about?"

"Your mother called us after you ran away." Phil replies while pulling the chair opposite of Jess to sit down, she flinches at his statement.

"I am not going back to her if that's what you are suggesting." Jess hisses while leaning forward. "You can't make me." 

"Understandable, with what she has done to you." Phil tilts his head to the side as he grabs a folder and slides it across the table to her. Jess looks at him in surprise before opening it, the old looking tips feel brand new as she flips through the papers inside. 

"This never happened." She finally announces while slamming the folder shut. "You must have the wrong girl." 

"We thought you'd say that." Phil sighs as he folds his hands in front of him. "Come with me and I'll show you what actually happened when you were four."

"You honestly think I trust you?" Jess scoffs. He doesn't reply. "How can I trust you?"

"You can't." He replies while standing and straightening his suit. "I'll be in the red convertible up front."

"You're not going to give me anything?" Jess demands as he starts to walk away. "No way to trust you?" 

"Well, I would." Phil calls over his shoulder. "But that's all classified." 

"Classified?" Jessica mumbles under her breath. Quickly, she gathers her book and the folder and speed walks out of the library. She steps onto the street, the sun blinding her, and tries to find Phil through the crowd. 

Finally she turns to see Phil sitting, as he had said, in a red convertible that was parked in an alleyway to her left. He was smirking at her, as if he knew she'd walk out those doors. Which, in all honesty, Jess thought he probably did. 

She swallows the lump in her throat and cuts through the crowd to walk to him. She stops at the passenger door and looks over at him. "Nice car."

"Are you going to get in?" Phil demands.

"I..." Jess trails off and looks back at the sidewalk. The safe sidewalk. She had heard about SHIELD through the news and she knew that if she got involved with them, there would be no turning back. Not ever. 

"I would." Phil finally speaks up. "You see that black van?" Jessica nods. "That's Hydra, they've been waiting for you for a while now."

"Pretty conspicuous, aren't they?" Jess questions while opening the passenger door. 

"You have no idea." He rolls his eyes, even she could tell with his glasses on. "I'd keep that file, read up on the way. Oh, and buckle up."

"Buckle up? Are we about to get in a car chase-" Jess cuts herself off with a shriek of fear as the car literally began to rise in the air. She was not one for heights and now his car was flying. Oh yeah, her life would definitely change now that she's involved with SHIELD. 

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