Chapter Nine

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"What the hell?" Jess demands while turning around in the hall as the three walked. "How do you guys not get lost in here?" May turns left down another hall and Jess stumbles to keep up. "This is starting to feel like an actual kidnapping, why can't you two just talk to me."  

"Agent." Phil greets, seeming to appear out of no where, in front of a closed door. 

"Great, you got the memo." Jess grumbles as he opens the door to a large conference rooms that would be able to fit a lot of people. Jess gulps but steps into it anyway, May and Mack walk away without another word. Not that they said much anyway. Slowly, Jess sits down in one of the seats, her eyes scanning the room warily. 

"That's Stark's seat, I wouldn't sit there." Phil announces.

"They have assigned seats?" Jess raises her eyebrows as she quickly stands.

"No, they just all like to sit in specific places." He shrugs. "I bet you did that in school as well?"

"I graduated at fourteen." Jess deadpans. "Didn't have much time." 

"Right." Phil nods. "That was on your file." 

"Is...everything?" Jess questions.

"What do you want to know?" He inquires.

"Well, I am actually looking for my fath-"

Jess is cut off by the doors of the conference room opening. She jumps slightly but quickly hides that fact as the recognizable faces of the Avengers (and some younger people) walk into the room. Phil was right, Jess notes, each of them seem to migrate towards a set chair, no one sitting in someone elses. 

"Avengers, I'd like you to meet Jessica." Phil announces while gesturing in her direction. Jess's eyes scan the room until her eyes lock with Seth's, but she doesn't register that she knows him. He does that for the both of them. 

"Jessica?" Seth gasps and her shoulders slump slightly. "This was the girl I was telling you about in the park! Coulson, with all due respect, I told you that out of personal reasons!" 

"Personal?" Jessica mumbles under her breath.

"And I took that into consideration." Phil sighs. "But when push came to shove, I had to use that knowledge to help attain, Agent Davi-I mean Jessica." 

"So why is she so important?" Tony Stark questions while leaning back in his chair. "Is she like...our new intern or something? 'Cause we've already got one. His name is Peter Parker." 

"I gathered you all here today because I want her to join the Avengers initiative." Phil announces. "Requested by Fury himself."

"I didn't know I was that important." Jess mumbles.

"You know who Fury is?" Clint Barton raises his eyebrows.

"Ye...I mean no." Jess quickly shakes her head.

"She did her research, it was being monitored of course." Phil chuckles. 

"Wait, you were spying on me?" Jessica gasps. 

"She still has a lot to learn." Steve Rogers comments. 

"Thank you very much, Captain Obvious." Tony rolls his eyes. 

"But I trust that you all will be able to help her." Phil announces.

"Wait, woah!" Jess holds her hands in the air. "I-I didn't sign up for this! Phil you said when you needed help!"

"I do need help, this is how you're going to do it." He replies. 

"!" Jess argues. "This...this is...they are all superheroes." 

"And you're not?" Phil tilts his head to the side.

"You saw what they made me do at four years old, imagine what I'm capable of at sixteen!" Jess hisses. 

"That's exactly what I'm hoping for." He smirks before turning back to the Avengers, who had all been watching with curious glances. 

"She has the ability of fire and telekinesis that is so advanced, she can even manipulate herself into teleportation. Am I correct?" Phil calls over his shoulder.

"Yup, fire for roasting marshmallows when I live on the street in a few years, teleportation to run from the cops because that's probably something that's bound to happen, and this mind reading shit so I can know people's weaknesses and kill them slowly and painfully since they're my enemies." Jess sarcastically explains while crossing her arms. Seth smirks. 

"This is why I wanted her to join the Avengers initiative but second generation, as you all know. She had said no." Phil mutters.

"Of course I said no!" Jess shouts while throwing her hands in the air. "I...I have other plans." 

"Like what?" Natasha's kid, Damien, demands while raising his eyebrows in a challenge.

"I...I enjoy cheating at poker and going to bars with a fake ID." She quickly replies but she smacks her own forehead at her stupid reply. "Never fucking mind."

Steve shift uncomfortably in his seat at the use of her language but doesn't say anything. Bruce rubs his chin before flicking his hand in the air to call the attention to himself. "What kind of 'fire' abilities do you possess." 

" things?" Jess offers. "I haven't really tried much because my memories were taken away from me at a young age, but from what I can remember it's pretty cool...I guess."

"Well, I vote to have her join." Tony finally speaks up again. "The kid seems like she knows her stuff and she has a 'I don't take shit' kind of attitude, we need more of that."

"Wait what?" Jess questions as she tried to think of when she gave the 'I don't take shit' attitude to any of them. 

"I guess I vote yes too." Steve states, followed by a murmur of agreement from several other team members.

"No, we did not agree to this!" Jess argues. "I get the final say in this, don't I?"

"I just asked for their opinions, Jessica." Phil calmly states while placing a hand on her shoulder. Slowly, she looks down to see her fist turning red as if it were about to catch on fire. Immediately, she shakes it out and turns away from the group in embarrassment. 

"Don't do this to me." She whispers as tears start to gather in her eyes. "Please, Phil." 

"What's the problem?" He demands, lowering his voice further.

"I'll work for SHIELD, I'll do solo missions or whatever. But please do not make me an Avenger, don't make me part of a team that I will end up losing in the end. I can't lose anyone else." Jess's voice breaks and she clears her throat. 

"I'll see what I can do." Phil finally gives while taking his hand away from Jess's shoulder. "Until then, go home and rest, but please be careful." 

"Yes sir."Jess mumbles and closes her eyes. She focuses her energy on her bedroom, more specifically her warm bed. She feels that same pull on her body and opens her eyes a few seconds later. For some reason, Jess had teleported herself into her bathroom with a tub that was filled with steaming water. Which made her head hurt even more as Jess tried to figure out how that could've happened. 

Slowly, she turns to see a piece of paper on the mirror. Jess's eyes gaze over her own tear stained and puffy cheeks before she flicks it back to the paper. 

Stress doesn't help, even in this kind of job.
Good luck
-Skye (One of your fellow agents)
Ps. your apartment is amazing

Jess lets out a small chuckle that sounded like a defeated sob. As calmly as she can, Jessica takes off her clothes and slides into the tub. Her muscles instantly relax and she lays her head on the edge of the tub. 

If she could barely get through the first day, how was she supposed to continue working for SHIELD?

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