Chapter Twenty-One

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"Yes, so when he touched a surface. His whole body changed to match it or well...became that substance." Jess explains while pushing the glasses, that she had randomly borrowed from a lab table top, further up her nose. 

"I don't understand how Hydra was able to find the ingredients to correctly create a serum for this." Bruce grumbles, Katie sighs while running a hand through her hair.

"Maybe it wasn't just Hydra." She suggests as she leans down to look at the lab reports again. "What if someone were to be secretly obtaining these ingredients and just handing them over?"

"That's a possibility," Steve grumbles as the rest file into the room. "But who has the resources to do something like that?"

"Or it is just Hydra and we're underestimating them horribly," Alex adds.

"I don't even want to think of that being a possibility." Damien whispers.

"Ian, do you remember picking up any sort of intel from your last undercover mission?" Wanda demands while turning to him, Ian just shrugs.

"Nothing to show that they were capable of...any of this." He replies while waving his arms over the table. Jess squints again and picks up another piece of paper. 

"Are those my glasses?" Tony demands.

"She borrowed them because she forgot her own," Seth explains after a few seconds of silence.

"Is he awake yet?" Jess questions while looking up at Bruce and Katie.

"He should be." She replies.

"If my hypothesis is correct, he should be weaker than ever before in the first few hours. Which is now." Jess states.

"So getting information out of him will be easy." Damien smiles.

"Wait, wouldn't you be in the same state if you were thinking correctly?" Tony interrupts.

"He was given different serums than I was." Jess quickly replies. "I remember when we were kids, he'd be in an almost drunk state or worse. Anything I'd asked would be answered truthfully."

"So like our own truth serum?" Steve questions.

"Yeah but it only worked with certain people," She continues. "When agents figured out about this, they tried and it was like he instantly sobered up."

"Wow." Bruce mutters. "How is that physically possible?"

"I was hoping you'd tell me." Jess chuckles while taking off her father's glasses. Slowly she sets them down on the table. 

"So what now?" Scott questions.

"I'm going in," Jessica announces. "You guys can line the entrance and around the pod thing, he won't see you anyways."

"I don't think this is such a good idea." Jen warily states. "I mean, look at what happened the last time anyone came in contact with him."

"I told you guys I was sorry." Scott grumbles, causing a chuckle to ripple through the group.

"It's not your fault, remember how she explained it to you?" Seth inquires. 

"Yeah yeah, Supernatural." Scott waves him off with a smile. "I got it, Jessica's a Geek."

"I prefer the term nerd but okay." She rolls her eyes. 

"I don't think either is better." Natasha comments.

"Yes, but I'd at least like to chose what I get called." She shrugs.

"We all do," Katie adds.

"I do call them the Geek Squad," Jen states, earning an eye roll from both of them.

"Nerd Squad." They both correct.


Jessica takes a deep breath as the doors to the pod slide open. Everyone, true to their word, lined the sides with expressions of curiosity and worry. Yet no one, besides Tony, made an effort to stop Jess from actually going inside. Finally, she forces herself to walk into the tiny room. There Chris was strapped to a metal chair. It sat in the middle of the room, the walls glass all around them. 

"Hi, Chris." Jess warily greets as she sinks to her knees in front of him. Chris smiles and tilts his head to the side as if he were a little drunk. "Hello!" He sings. 

"Buddy, I have a question," Jessica states while crossing her arms. 

"Go ahead Jessie." He chuckles and Jessica cringes at the name he gave her.

"I need you to tell me something" She prods. "Something very important."

"Oh, yeah. What's that?" Chris questions.

"Your serum," Jessica slowly replies. "Who's giving Hydra the ingredients to make the serums?"

"Why do you want to know thatttt?" Chris slurs again.

"Because it's important." Jessica waves her hand around. "Otherwise you and I may get hurt and we don't want that, right?"

"Righttttt." Chris nods. "I don't want 'em to hurt my lil sis."

"Chris, who gives them the ingredients?" She harshly demands.

"The government."


"The government?!" Tony shrieks as he paces across the floor. "The government can't be giving them the ingredients."

"They're the ones who told SHIELD to end Hydra!" Steve yells while pacing, passing by Tony every few steps. Jessica sits on a chair across the room, her eyes watching the entire team. It seemed that everyone was pacing across the floor and her brain hurt from trying to watch them all. 

"What if the governments doing this because they want more inhumans?" She finally questions out loud, making a few people stop. "I mean, I know they say they don't but what if they secretly do just to try and fight off other forces that were coming."

"That were coming?" Damien questions while sitting down next to her.

"Oh my god," Jessica gasps as the pieces finally fall into place inside her head. "What if there's another war brewing, one that they've known about for years, and they're just not telling us?!"

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