Chapter Five

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I kicked my duffel bag so that it rolled down the staircase, landing into the pile of other duffel bags. Mine was neon green so no one confused it with their own.

            “Is that the only thing you’re bringing with you?” Mom asked, eyeing me funny.

            What? I’m a girl who’s only bringing one duffel bag to a 2 month camping trip? Is that wrong? “What?” I asked.

            “I thought you’d bring more, hon.”

            “This is enough.” I answered, taking a seat on the bottom staircase. I watched as everyone and by everyone I mean Liam, Nick and Emma’s husband Zach, carry the duffel bag into a van.

            A total of seven adults were coming on this camping trip: Mom, Dad, Dad’s sister Ava, Aunt Brandie and her husband Jade, Aunt Emma and her husband Zach. If Liam counts as a adult (which in my case, doesn’t) is coming as well with his prego wife Eliot and baby Max. Aunt Brandie is bringing Nick along and Aunt Emma is bringing Adrian. And I was bringing Grant.

            With this amount of crazy people in one place would be crazy.

            Grant smiled as he saw me. He stepped into the house, “Hey, gorgeous.”

            He took a seat beside me. I leaned up to give him a kiss and a Popsicle stick smashed me in the face.

            I turned and glared at little Max who Nick was giving a five high to, “Max!”

            Max turned his little chubby face to me, covered in red liquid, “Jacc-ie!”

            “You don’t teach a kid to throw ice cream at people, Nick.”

            Nick raised his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t do it. It was all Max’s brilliant idea!” Nick picked up Max and carried him outside.

            “They’re so annoying.”


            The next two hours was filled with Max throwing his teddy bear at me. What was worse was sitting between Grant and Nick. Talk about a-w-k-w-a-r-d! Every time Nick’s shoulder brushed mine or our knees bumped, I would feel something. It was like being shocked in a good way. If getting shocked has a good way.

            “We’re here!” Dad sang from the front seat. I leaned over Grant and peeked out the window.

            “I thought by camping, you meant sleeping in a tent deep in the wilderness where we could get eaten by bears.”

            “We did that when I was your age but Eliot broke her leg and Dad covered himself in poop so the bears wouldn’t get him so we decided NOT to do that again,” Liam explained and Grant’s face crinkled at the poop part while Nick laughed.

            We got out of the van and I smiled, staring at two large wood cabins. On the side was a lake, looking gorgeous as the sun was setting.

            A second pulled up, the rest of the crew getting out.

            “Okay, who’s staying where?” Eliot asked.

            “Kids in one house, adults in the other?” I suggested.

            Eliot glared at me, “Like I’d leave Max with a much of teenagers. How about the Gold family in one cabin which would make seven people and the rest in the other house?”

            Aunt Emma grinned, “That’s sounds perfect.”

            I grabbed onto Grant’s hand, “I came here only because of Grant and you guys are going to separate us?”

            Nick grinned, slugging an arm over Grant’s shoulder and stirring him toward one of the cabins, “Of course, we’ll be roommates.”

            Grant must have seen my pissed off expression because he said, “Everything’s gonna be fine alright?”

            I trusted him.

            That night, everyone huddled around the fire my dad and Zach built. I leaned against Grant’s shoulder, our fingers intertwined.

            People were laughing, telling jokes and stories.

            Maybe this trip wasn’t going to be so bad.

            “Hey,” Grant whispered in my ear so only I could hear, “Nick told me that you told him you loved him a couple years ago.”

            Did you hear that? Cause I heard my heart just shatter.

            Before thinking clearly, I picked up a rock and chucked it at Nick. It smashed into his temple and immediately began to bleed.

            And all hell broke loose.

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