Chapter Eight

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The next day, I wouldn’t let Grant talk to me. I tried not to be alone because I know Grant would take that chance and try to apologize. Honestly, I didn’t want an apology. I didn’t know what I wanted from him. I just want to burn some steam and pretend it didn’t happen but whenever I see that look – filled with regret and hurt – on Grant’s face, I think about it again. 

It was frustrating. He was frustrating.

I plumped down onto the couch next to Nick, pulling the quilt over my cold feet. Dad and the rest of the adults walked into the living room and grinned, “Well, we’re heading out. Don’t wait up for us.”

“Where are you guys going?” I asked.

“Uh…” Dad glanced at Mom, who simply replied, “Out. Lock all the doors and stay indoors.”

Eliot piped in, “Max is sleeping by the way so be quiet.”

“Good night,” They left and only Grant, Nick and I were left.

After a minute, Nick got up, “I’m going to make a sandwich. Anyone want one?”

I shook my head and Grant said, “No thanks.”

Nick sauntered to the kitchen, out of eardrop. Grant took his opportunity, “Jackie, can we talk?”

I didn’t reply focusing my eyes on the television. He got up and turned off the TV with a click. He stood in front of me, arms braced over his chest. Who did he think he was turning off my TV? Freaking Evan Almighty? “Jackie, please, talk to me! You haven’t said one word to me the entire day! What have I done wrong?”

I ignored him, getting up and going to the kitchen. Nick was standing over the island, tossing a tomato onto his turkey. He smirked at me and my heart fluttered slightly but I ignored it because I could feel my blood begin to boil. I was going to explode.

Of course, Grant followed me. I stopped beside Nick, watching him make his sandwich as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. And it kinda was since Nick was doing it. 

Ohmigod! What am I saying?

Grant stood across the island from me, gripping it; shoulder slumped, “If you’re not going to talk than I am. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It was stupid. I’m stupid. You know I love you, Jackie. Please talk_”

Nick interrupted, “Sorry to interrupt but uh… should I leave the room? This conversation seems be an A and B conversation.”

He snarled at Nick, “I would prefer you to leave.”

Nick started to leave but I grabbed his sleeve, “No, if you want to talk, Nick is staying.”

An exaggerated sigh escaped Grant’s lips and I narrowed my eyes at him, “You need to understand what I said yesterday… I didn’t mean it. I was just frustrated and it slipped. Please I’m sorry.” His knuckles turned white as his nails dug into the island. Tears watered around his eyes. He meant it.

He means every single word. That’s why I love Grant. He’s probably the most truthful person I’ve meet.

Nick glanced at me then back at Grant, “Dude, are you seriously about to cry?”

“Shut up,” He growled at Nick, his tears disappearing. His eyes locked with mine again, “Do you forgive me?”

I shook my head, “Crying isn’t going to help you. You’re going to have to work for my forgiveness.”

“Dammit, Jackie! Why are you so stubborn? I made a mistake okay? I know now not to rush things with you. Why can’t you see that I truly love and care about you?” Grant argued, seriously pissed.

“Screw this,” I snapped, walking away but Grant grabbed onto my arm, jerking me back to me, “Let me go!”

“You know what your issue is, Jackie? You never tell your damn feelings. Talk to me. I want to fix our problem. We’re a couple, we need to communicate.”

I yanked my arm back, “You want to know my feelings? Huh? Fine! I fucking hate that you try to pressure me into sex! I’m not ready! You need to understand that my V-card isn’t something that I hand out like flyers. I care about who my first will be. And I care when and where and the whole thing! Also, you’ve been a complete jackass to me lately.” I sighed, feeling better to let all this out, “And I freaking forgive you. Happy? Just cool it a bit. Honestly, you’re like my mom on her period.”

Grant opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by Nick’s abrupt laughter. We looked at him, frowning.

He covered his hand over his mouth, his dimple popping out, “I’m sorry but that was hilarious. Best speech award goes to you, Jackie. Congrats.”

“This would be a good time for you to become a missing person,” Grant said dryly.

Nick pretended to be offended, “Harsh, Blondie.”

Grant ignored Nick and flicked his green eyes to me, sucking me into them like a vacuum, “I’m sorry for forcing you. I’ll wait till your ready.”

He kissed my forehead, lingering longer than necessary, “Good.” He smiled, “I’m going to go take a shower. See you in a few.”

Grant stumbled up the stairs, vanishing upstairs. I heard the thundering sound of the water pouring out of the shower head. I plumped back to the couch, feeling unsatisfied. 

After a few minutes, Nick came out of the kitchen, holding a plate with his sandwich in it. 

Nick took a bite out of his sandwich and groaned, “This is so good. Wanna a bite?”

I shook my head, watching the TV. Man, T-Mobile commercials took forever to end. I flicked through the channels, landing on America’s Funniest Home Videos.

He waved the sandwich under my nose, “Come on! Doesn’t it smell good?”

It did smell good. Before I could regret it, I took a bite. He smiled, placing his half sandwich on his plate. 

I noticed him staring at me and turned, “What?”

His smile broadened, “You have something on your face.”

I immediately began wiping at the edge of my lips, hoping to get the remains off, “Is it gone?”

He chuckled, “Let me get it.” He touched his fingers to my chin, tilting it to the left. He leaned over suddenly and….

Licked the edge of my lip, lingering.

He pulled back and I was consumed by the feeling to kiss him. My fingers reached out and curled under his collar, pulling him to me. 

Our lips brushed together and Nick groaned, his hands curling around my neck. 

I wanted more.

I wanted more of him.

Then, I heard Grant’s footsteps come down the stairs and I jerked back, gasping. No, no, no. I can’t believe I just kissed Nick. Well, technically it wasn’t a kiss but our lips touched, does that count?

Nick gulped and turned to the TV, hands fumbling with his sandwich. Was he as giddy as me right now?

I got up just as Grant sat down, “Where you going, babe?”

“To bed. I’m really tired. See you in the morning.”

“Night,” Grant pulled me for a kiss and I pulled away, “Not yet.”

He nodded, understanding.

I looked one more time at Nick and my heart stopped because he was looking intensely at me. His look felt like he was burning the clothes off me.

And I liked it.







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