Chapter Eleven

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The impact wasn’t as bad as I thought it was.

It was worse.

I slammed into the water on my side, feeling the sting of the rocks digging in deep. I gasped and the next thing I knew I was rolling down the river. I saw Max before me, sliding down the river as it seemed to consume him. I reached out, my fingers brushing the fabric of his shirt just as I lost consciousness. 


I gasped awake, totally disoriented. A chill ran down my spine and someone’s arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly. I sucked in a deep breath, feeling the cold air burn my lungs. My arms slowly wrapped around the warm body, loving the feeling of the heat radiating. 

“Are you cold?”

I nodded, looking up at the person.

Nick shook off his black sweater, wearing a dark blue T-shirt underneath. He wrapped the sweater around my shoulders and embraced me again. 

“Aren’t you cold?”

Nick chuckled, “Nah, the fire is warming me up.”

I pulled back and he released me, his dark eyes watching my every move. I scooted closer to the fire. There was a sleeping bag near the edge of the fire with a body in it. Max. I got up, going to his side. I touched his red cheeks, “Max? Is he dead?”

Nick shook his head, “No, just asleep. He should be fine. I didn’t find any injuries on him. But I would slow down if I were you, Jackie. You have a really bad gash on your leg.”

I blinked, suddenly the pain spreading across my leg was excruciating. Nick must have noticed the pain on my face because he came to my side, “Ow!”

“Here,” He wrapped his arms around my legs and back, lifting me off the ground. He settled me back into the other sleeping bag and smiled.

I frowned, “What exactly happened?”

“Well, Max fell in and you went after him. That’s when Grant was about to leap in when my dad and the rest pulled him back. No one got the chance to stop me from jumping in after you.” Nick explained, shifting.

“Are you hurt?” I asked, more concerned about him than myself.

“It’s just a scratch.” He shrugged. 

“Can I see it?”

“Maybe another time but right now, you need to go to sleep.”

“Where are you going to sleep?” I asked.

He smiled, “Out here.”

“Will you sleep with me?”

He hesitated, glancing over at Max. He looked back at my eyes and nodded. I flipped over and Nick slipped into the slipping bag, his chest pressing against my back. I pressed myself closer to him, enjoying the warmth sipping through his thin shirt. His hand touched my waist, “Is this okay?”

I nodded, loving that he was holding me like this. I grabbed his hand and pulled it forward, covering more of my midsection and pressing him closer. He didn’t seem to mind and neither did I.

Actually, I loved it.


I groaned and rolled over, feeling something hard against me. The hell? I opened my eyes and saw Nick’s face hovering above mine. He was snoring, his lips parted. I couldn’t help but grin. My head was resting on his arm. Before I could stop myself, I started to tickle him. He groaned waking up abruptly.

He smiled at me and my heart warmed. His finger brushed my cheek, drawing my face toward his.

“Nick-ie?!” Max squealed.

Nick jerked back, sighing, “I guess Max is awake.”

I heard Max’s stubby feet pound into the ground. He jumped onto me, sinking his knees into my stomach. A gash of air left my lungs. Shit, that hurt. 

There was a loss of heat and I watched Nick begin to wrap up Max’s sleeping bag. I got up, wincing at my leg, “So, what exactly are we going to do? Do we even know where we are?”

“From what I can tell, we were moving east from the cabins and when we fell into the water, which runs southeast, we’re off from the cabin about three days.”

“Three days?” I gaped. 

Nick nodded, folding the sleeping bag into the backpack, “We have enough food for a week in here, so we should be fine.” He pulled out two nutrition bars and tossed it at Max and I. 

“Aren’t you going to eat anything?”


I folded the sleeping bag Nick and I slept in and placed it in the backpack as well, “Ready to go?” I asked Max who nodded. There was a red scratch against his forehead. I touched it, wishing it would just fade but it didn’t. I grasped his hand, “Don’t run off this time.”

“I’m sorry.” He muttered, kicking a rock over.

Nick rustled Max’s hair, “Don’t beat yourself, Max. It was an accident.”

Max hunched his shoulder and stumbled ahead.


My leg was killing me and we seemed to have walked for what seemed like hours. I glanced at Nick, who frowned, “It’s only been five minutes, Jackie.”

“We’re gonna die, Nick!” I screamed, losing my mind. I haven’t seen so much trees in one area before. What I need is a TV and a good episode of the Bad Girls Club. 

He chuckled, “No we’re not.”

“We’re going to get eaten by bears and birds are going to eat our remains!” I cried, slugging behind him. Nick was carrying Max, whose head was resting on his shoulder. His eyes were closed, sound asleep.

“I think we’re going to camp here tonight.” 

I dropped to the ground, “YES! Finally!” 

Nick dropped Max into my lap, “Hold him, I’m going to set up a fire.”

While Nick worked on the fire, I set up the sleeping bags. I placed Max into his sleeping bag and he immediately snuggled the pillow. I sat down on my sleeping bag, watching Nick has he worked with sticks to start a fire. His face was creased with concentration, consumed in starting the fire. Suddenly, sparks flew and a fire started. Nick slowly stuck more sticks into it. He got up, dusting his hands on his jeans. 

He came to my side and sat down, bumping my shoulder, “What’s the matter?”

“Why do you think there’s something wrong with me?”

“Because you haven’t yelled or cussed me out the entire day.”

I laughed, “Well, knowing that we’re lost in the middle of some woods kind traumatized me.”

“Jackie, look at me.” His voice was lower.

I looked at him, drawn to those dark eyes of his.

“We’re going to get out of here, okay? I promise.”

I bite my lip, “I trust you.”

“Good.” His smile thinned, “Jackie, I wanted to talk about our kiss.”

Oh, God, why did he have to bring that up? I want to say the kiss was a mistake but it felt right. The moment when our lips touched, it felt amazing. It felt like I was burning up and he was the only one that could cool me. I know it must sound cliché but… it’s true. 

I feel like I’m fifteen again. Writing childish things like my feelings into my diary and hoping the signs I was seeing was true but they obviously weren’t. And who knows, they’re probably not true now.

“What about it?” I asked, voice almost a whisper.

He kept his eyes on mine, “I…. it wasn’t a mistake to me if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re acting like that kiss didn’t change anything with us_”

“Grant and I broke up.” I interrupted.

He stared blankly at me, no emotions showing, “Was it because of us?”

“Something along the lines of that,” 

“I’m sorry.” 

“Don’t be.” I muttered, surprised our eyes haven’t quivered yet, “And since we’re spilling our feelings here, you being here has messed me up. I can honestly say, I have never been more confused. I know that I like you but I don’t know if I should.” I’m scared that he’ll rip my heart out again, “And ever since that kiss, I wanted to do it all over again.”

I looked away then only to have Nick grabbed my jaw and steer my lips right onto his, “I wanted to, too.” Our lips smashed together, neither of us holding back anymore. My arms wrapped around his neck, pressing our bodies together. Soon, we were tangled in our sleeping bag, Nick holding me down by his body weight.

This was what I wanted. This was why I questioned Grant. 

I wanted Nick.

I felt his excitement press against my thigh. I couldn’t believe he was excited for me. I was making him feel this way.

My fingers slipped to his waistband and his body tensed, “Jackie_”

“I want this, Nick. I want you.” I moaned.

“Are you sure?” Nick brushed his lips with mine.

I arched my back, wanting more, “Yes, please.”

His fingers skidded my shirt up, touching my stomach. Suddenly, his fingers and heat were gone. 

I opened my eyes I hadn’t known I’d closed, “Nick?”

He raked his fingers through his hair, groaning. 

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t,” He murmured, “I can’t sleep with you Jackie.”

Totally shocked to be rejected, I zipped up the sleeping bag, “You can sleep on the ground tonight.”

He didn’t argue.

It sucked to be rejected. Is it weird that this moment felt right? That I wanted this and assumed he did too? Obviously, I’m always getting his messages wrong!






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