Chapter Ten

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I believed you all could have guessed what happened.

Grant took out a ninja sword and nun-chucks and brutally attacked Nick until a giant red KO went over him.

I hope you know I’m joking.

What really happened was as scary as that but didn’t result in death. Actually one thing did die. My heart.

“What did Jackie do?” Grant asked Max.

Max perched his lips, making wet kissing sounds, “Kissy-face with Nick!”

I guess that was all the evidence Grant needed because he got up and walked away. I placed Max in Nick’s lap and went after him. I didn’t want us to end like this. There was still a place for him in my heart.

“Grant… please,” I gripped his sleeve and he whipped his hand back, jerking away from me.

His hands were in tight fists, knuckles turning white. I didn’t even want to say anything funny like the vein pulsing on his forehead was about to pop if he didn’t cool it. He was pissed and he had the right to be. I made the mistake of kissing Nick. I know I shouldn’t have but…. In that moment, all my damn feelings that have been locked up reopened when Nick looked into my eyes…

Gosh, I’m a sucker for those damn dark eyes.

He gulped and raked his hands over his hair, pulling blond strands out. His smoky green irises meet mine and they softened.


“Is it true?” He asked, hope in his voice.

He knew the answer to that.

I nodded, sighing, “You could stand there and here me say I’m sorry a million times but I know the pain won’t go away. I’m just so confused, Grant. I don’t know what I want, who I need…”

“You cheated on me, Jackie. That’s what hurts. I trusted you. You told me not to listen to his lies and that he was playing tricks to make me lose you but are you sure he’s the one playing tricks or you? I told you before, I’m not sharing you but you need to choose now. Nick or me?” His words rushed out into a ramble.

“I d-don’t know.”

His eyes lost contact with mine as he gazed away, “Goodbye, Jackie.”

He walked away and I couldn’t believe that he was turning from me. He was just going to give up and walk away from everything. I know we have our moments but every couple does. This can’t end us.

I ran at him, wrapping my arms around his waist, “You can’t just say goodbye! Grant, please, I’m sorry. It was a mistake. I-I don’t know why I did it. I never meant it to happen….” I felt wetness on my face and I pressed my face harder into his back, “Grant, please.”

He was stiff but finally he shoved my hands off him.


I closed my eyes, tears coming down.

I felt fingers touch my cheek and I opened them. 

Grant wrapped his arms around me, pressing me to his chest, “I think we need a break, Jackie. You need to figure out who you want and until you tell me who you want, I’ll wait.”

Will you be mad if I don’t choose you? I wanted to ask him but I kept my mouth shut. He released me and I wiped my tears.

“I don’t deserve you,” I said.

He frowned, “I don’t deserve you.”

I don’t have a boyfriend anymore.

Was it weird that I was kinda excited because of this news? 

We walked back to everyone else who still seemed struck by what Max had said. “We’re fine.” I said, looking specifically at my mother who looked like she was going to lecture me about boys. I really don’t need that talk right now.

Anyway, I’m single. Now I have the chance to choose who I want.

Nick or Grant.


We were back on the trail the next morning, Max and I the last people again. Nick was ahead of us with Grant and adults were fast at the front. Apparently, Dad was leading us today. No wonder the terrain was hellish today. My foot jerked to the left because of a sharp rock. My ankle sent a piercing pain up my leg and I bite my lip to keep my scream in. 

Shit that hurt.

“You okay?” Nick called from ahead.

“Yeah,” I muttered. I just fucked up my leg.

We came up a rocky hillside, a river just below. I stumbled up the rocks, my eyes darting to the icy river below. 

“DAD! Is this the right path?!” I screamed.

I saw him at the top, turning the corner with a huge smile on his face. I guess after this hill, we get back to normal woody area. 

Max fumbled over his feet and I caught his shoulders, “Be careful, kid. Don’t want to fall in.”

He jerked away from me, “I can do it!” He sped up his pace.

“Max, slow down.” I snapped, not liking that he was running up these slippery rocks.

Of course he didn’t listen.

I hurried after him, “Max, please slow_”

I didn’t even finish my sentence before he slipped right off the edge…..

Heading toward the icy river below.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was jumping after him.









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