Chapter Seventeen

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I glared at Anita as she sauntered out of the kitchen, swaying her hips around as if Nick would actually glance at her. I turned to Nick and of course, he didn’t even lift his eyes off the word search he was doing. I smiled. Anita has nothing on me. 

Eliot placed baby Georgia on her shoulder, letting her burp. “I’m guessing you don’t like her, Jackie.”

“She’s a bitch.”

“Hey, don’t say that around the baby!” Liam stomped into the kitchen, little Max running after him. 

I rolled my eyes, “She’s not even a month old. She doesn’t understand what I’m saying.”

“But she will someday and we’re not letting her around you. You’re too wild.” Eliot added.

Nick grinned at me, “I can tame her.”

I hugged Nick, kissing him. God, I loved him. 

Mom walked into the kitchen and smiled at us, “Nick would you like to join us for dinner?”

“I’d love to,” His dimple showed up and I just wanted to take him to my room and make out. He was just so adorable and all mine. 

Mom shooed us out of the kitchen, saying that she wanted to prepare an awesome dinner. Nick and I sat on the couch. Anita decided to sit next to Nick. I wrapped my arm around his and rested my head against his. 

As always, Nick figured out what I was doing. He brushed a strand of hair off my forehead and whispered, “I don’t want anyone but you, Jackie. Trust me.”

“So, Nick, you said you wanted to get a tattoo some day right?” Anita asked, flipping her hair around. 

Nick nodded, “Yeah.”


He shrugged, “I haven’t figured it out yet. Maybe my shoulder blade.”

Just then, Mom called us to the dining room for dinner. I grabbed Nick’s hand, glaring daggers at Anita who just smirked at me. 

Nick sat beside me and Anita was across from me as Liam and Eliot sat beside her. Mom sat on the end and Dad at the other. 

I enjoyed the pasta as the random conversations began. 

I noticed Anita watching Nick and I couldn’t help but lean over and give him a kiss. He smiled back at me.

Dad waved a finger at me, “No kissing at the table.”

“Sorry, sir.” Nick replied. 

Anita smiled at me, “You guys seem to kiss a lot. I bet you guys didn’t have fucked yet.”

Liam and Nick choked on their water and my jaw dropped.

“What is fucked?” Max muttered.

“Not this again,” Mom cursed, “Anita, go to her room.”

She grinned at Nick, “My pleasure.”

That bitch.

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