Chapter Thirteen

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I rocked my feet into the water, watching the water ripple. The seaweed waved following the flow of the water. I sighed, enjoying the chill the water was bringing to my feet. It actually helped the one that was swollen right now.

I don’t think my ankle is broken but I sure bruised it up. Another week has past in the wonderful land of camping with the Gold family. I hope you hear my sarcasm. Mom wanted us to head back home so, my leg could get some medical attention but I objected. I wanted to spend a little more time with Nick and the fact that I was getting pampered might have to do with it as well. And mentioning Nick, my mom hasn’t stopped being bizarre. Whenever she would see us together, she would wink at me and it was weird. 

Nick and I…. our relationship is good. We kept it as a secret for now. I didn’t want to tell my family yet since I don’t even know where we’re going. I guess this is just a test run for now. But the more I spend time with him, the more I like him. Or at least, my old feelings are coming back. And of course, Grant. If he knew, he’d be gone by now. He has no idea. 

“What are you thinking about?” Eliot nudged my shoulder. I looked at her, noticing the black bags under her brown eyes. 

“Just some stuff.” I muttered, kicking the water.

“Let me guess, does it have to do with Nick?” She asked, a smile touching her lips.

My body went still for a minute. I hope you didn’t notice that, “What about him?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know. You guys just seem a lot closer than the beginning of this trip.”

I gulped. Even thought Eliot and I go at each other throats, I care about her and trust her, “Promise not to tell anyone this, okay?”

Eliot grinned, “I pinky promise,” We locked pinkies.

I explained from the time in the woods to right now. And it was a lot now that I talk about it.

She blinked, folding her hands onto her belly, “Huh….”

“That’s all you can say?” I chuckled.

“Well…. Uh… huh…” Eliot chewed on her bottom lip, “I don’t know what to say. What about Grant?”

I shrugged, “I was just going to wait till we get back to break the news to him.”

Eliot shook her head, “You shouldn’t lead him on like that.”

“I’m not trying to…”

“But you are.”

Eliot stood up, slipping on her saddles. “Why don’t we tell him now? You won’t get a better chance than today. Everyone has gone into the nearby town except Grant and Nick, who are inside.”

“Are you serious?” I stood up after her. “How can I just break the news to him? It’ll break his heart.”

Eliot rolled her eyes, “If you had cared about him, you wouldn’t have let Nick kiss you. Jackie, you need to do what is right for you. You think Liam and I just got together? No, I couldn’t handle all the drama and did what was best for me and that was leave.”

“But you guys found each other again. How do I know if I’ll find Grant?”

“Okay, here’s your issue, dear. Who do you want? Grant or Nick?”

That’s the question I can’t seem to answer. I took a deep breath. “I want Nick.”

“What was that?” Eliot cooed.

“I want Nick!” I snapped.

Eliot grinned. “Good. Now, let’s go break Grant’s little swelled up heart.”

We walked back to the house, Eliot babbling about ways to let him down. Her suggestions varied from “I hate you Grant. Go suck bricks” to “it didn’t work out because you suck. See ya!”

I hurried up the steps, heart beating fast in my chest. I just wanted to get this over with. Eliot had made a good point. I can’t lead him on like we’re going to get back together. If Nick and I work out or not, I’m not going back to Grant because he deserves better.

“Oh…” I glanced back at Eliot bracing the railing as she bended over. 

“Are you okay?” I asked, grasping her shoulder.

“Do I look okay? Shit that hurt.” Her pained expression softened, “C’mon.” She leaned up and went into the house. I followed.

“How was the lake?” Grant called from the living room.

I plumed down into the seat next to him, admiring his sea green eyes. I was going to miss looking at them, “I need to talk to you.”

“’Bout what?” He turned down the television. 


“Jackie is over you, Grant. I think it’s best for you to go home. It’s quite awkward with you here.” Eliot said, holding her stomach with a pained expression on her face.

Thanks for going easy on him, I thought.

Grant drew his eyes away from her, locking them with mine. “Is that what you think?”

I nodded, “It’s for the best.”

He stood up, “Just tell me one thing. This isn’t about Nick, is it?”

“YES, IT’S ABOUT NICK!” Eliot screamed.

I stood up, glaring at Eliot. “It just happened.”

“It just happened?” He repeated, anger lining his forehead, “He stole you away from me. You promised he wouldn’t interfere with our relationship.”

Just then, Nick walked in. He grinned at me, “What’s with all the screaming?”

Grant’s hands turned into fists, “There’s actually going to be more screaming, Nick.” 

Before anyone could react, Grant punched Nick in the face just as Eliot screamed that her water broke. 

Here's the chapter you guys were waiting for!! Thanks for waiting so long!! 




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