Chapter Sixteen

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I stepped into my parent’s room, finding my mom in the walk-in closet. Her red hair was placed in a tight bun. 

“Hey, Mom.”

“What’s up, sweetheart?”

I shrugged, settling onto the bed. “I have a question.”

She turned around, “What is it?”

“What have we come to when parents say ‘what’s up’?”

She laughed, “Okay, that’s a lame phrase anyway.”

I rolled my eyes, “So, tell me how Anita is related to us again?”

“Long story short, your uncle from your Dad’s side who died while I was pregnant with you. We helped his wife get stable again and in that time, we raised you both together. You know you guys used to take bubble baths together. Aw, you two were so cute.” Mom mused. 

“Her mom couldn’t handle her anymore…”

“I guess not. Sydney was a fragile woman.”

“Thanks for the info, Mom.”

“No problem. Now, get to bed!”


“ANITA!” I screamed, slamming my fist against the bathroom door. I’ve been waiting here for the past hour. She’s been hogging the bathroom all morning. Who the fuck takes that long in the bathroom, “Anita, I swear to God, I’m going to break down this door and beat you with it!” I threatened. 

The door opened and she smirked at me. I looked down at her Shane Dawson T-shirt. Squinting, I noticed a blue stain at the corner. That was my shirt, “Why the fuck are you wearing my shirt?”

She shrugged, “I didn’t have anything to wear.”

Anita leaned against the bathroom door, blocking my way as I tried to pass her. “Can you move your chunky thigh out of my way?” She moved her leg down still having that stupid I’m the Boss look on her face, “Actually, why don’t you move your entire body out of the way since it’s blocking the ENTIRE way?”

Her smile slipped, “Is that how you treat your cousin?”

I shoved past her, “If you haven’t noticed already, I rule this house.”

I slammed the door in her face, hearing her say. “That’s what you think.” I wrenched the door open to probably break her stupid looking face but she had disappeared. I hate girls with high self-esteem. I had to need to show her place. Locked in a chest in the bottom of the ocean would be her place.

After spending about fifteen minutes in the bathroom, I headed downstairs. Nick and I are supposed to go on a date today. I was so excited. 

I entered the kitchen, spotting Anita flipping some eggs on the stuff. I took a seat at the stool as Mom and Dad entered. 

“My, that smells delicious!” Mom cheered.

“I wish Jackie could cook,” Dad muttered. 

I glared at him, “I can cook.”

“Making cereal doesn’t count as cooking,” Dad snickered. 

I got up, pushing Anita away from the eggs. “I got this.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, “Always trying to prove someone right.”

“Damn straight, now get out before I shove your face into this.” I snapped, mixing the scrambled eggs.


I slouched against the car, staring as three firemen rushed into the house. Okay, Anita fucked up the stove. She somehow made the oven explode on me. I don’t know how but I swear she did something. 

Dad couldn’t keep that stupid smile off his face. Whenever he looked my way, he would start laughing and Mom would join him. What type of parent’s laugh at their child? I have awful parents! 

Anita sauntered up to me, rocking her stupid hips to the side. Her lips held a cocky smile, “Nice job. You should become a professional cook.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. I leaned down and started digging into the grass. I made a small hole and stood back up. I pointed to the hole, “Jump into that hole and die.”

She placed her hands onto her hips, “I feel like you hate me. What did I ever do?”

“What did you do? What the hell happened to you?”

Shrugging, she smirked, “What? You don’t like the new me?”

“New? Talk about a clone of myself.”

She laughed, “A clone of you? Don’t flutter yourself, Jackie. You shoved me around like I was your little toy. Remember that? This is payback, bitch. Let the games begin.”

“Payback for pushing you around?” I started laughing, my stomach hurting. “You are possibly lamer than Lindsey Lohan.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She asked.

I kicked her in the shin. She wailed, cussing. “That means you’ll lose at your own game.”

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