Chapter Fourteen

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I nearly fainted. And you should know I’m a tough girl. Blood doesn’t even bother me but seeing Grant punch Nick made my stomach turn and let’s not forget Eliot who just went into labor, nearly made me throw up. 

As Nick and Grant wrestled on the floor, I ran over to Eliot’s side, grasping her forearm. “Holy shit, are you going to be okay?”

Eliot screamed. “DO I LOOK OKAY?!! GODDAMIT!”

I pushed her onto the couch, placing her feet up. “I don’t know what I’m doing. And you’re going to give birth. OMG….. What do I do?” I was just talking to myself. No one in particular. I couldn’t talk to Nick or Grant because they were busy and since Eliot was screaming her head off.

Was I the only sane one here?

I guess so.

Eliot started panting; sweat forming on her forehead as she braced her knees. “God! I want him out!”

“It’s a boy?” I asked, trying to start conversation.

“I DON’T KNOW! WHY DON’T WE GET IT OUT AND FIND OUT?” She screamed looking like the exorcist for a moment.

I got up and stopped in front of Nick pounding onto Grant’s face. Grant flipped them over and held him to the ground. 

“You guys stop it!” I shouted. 

They kept fighting. 

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Grant’s waist and yanked. He fell back, landing onto me. “GEEZ! Just stop it! I got over you, Grant. I’m sorry but just move on.”

I released my hands and frowned. Grant got off me, turning around to face me. “Is that what you seriously want?”

I nodded.

“Just know that when he breaks your heart like before, I won’t be there for you to use again.” He snapped.

“I don’t expect you to be there for me, Grant.” 

He got up and finally noticed Eliot in labor. “Grab some scissors and a towel. I’m going to get that baby out of you, alright Eliot?”

She nodded. I went to the kitchen to grab what Grant asked me to. Nick followed me in. He looked like crap. His bottom lip was busted, blood staining his chin. A dark rim circled his eye and I knew it would puff up if we didn’t get ice on it. 

“You look like crap.”

“I feel like crap.” He muttered, coming to my side as I pulled a towel out. He wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in the nape of my neck. “But I’d fight anybody and feel like crap everyday to be with you.”

“Why now, Nick? Why did you start coming after me now?” I asked.

His lips brushed my neck making a shiver go down my spine. “After I left, I regretted what I had said. I knew that I loved you and had messed up big time. I couldn’t even look at any other girl. I only wanted you. And I knew if I can here and you had moved on, I would chase you till the end of the earth. Until you say you don’t love or want me anymore, I won’t give up on you anymore. I learned that the hard way.”

My heart fluttered, “Do you really mean that?”

“Which part? The ‘I love you’ or ‘I would chase you forever’?” 

“All of it, Nick? I want something real.”

“Everything I said is true. Let me die if I’m not telling the truth. I love you, Jackie. I love your bad days and good days. I love your dark red hair. I love every inch of your existence_”

I turned around, not wanting to hear anymore because I knew it was all true. I knew he meant every word and I trusted him. 

I loved him.

I pressed our lips together, tasting a little blood.

I pulled back and smiled, “I lo_”

“Will you two hurry up?! It’s almost time!”

“I better get this to him…” I muttered, cheeks flushed suddenly. 

Nick kissed my cheek. “I need to wash up. I’ll talk to you later okay?”

“I can’t wait.”


So, apparently Grant wants to be a baby doctor when he grows up and took some training classes and knows how to give birth properly. 

Now there’s a baby girl covered in a towel in the middle of our living room with Eliot holding her. 

I couldn’t help but smile. “What’s her name?” 

“Georgia. Georgia Gold.”

“Or GG for short,” I added.

I went by Eliot’s side, touching little Georgia’s hand. I kissed her forehead. Another addition to the Gold family. Hopefully, she’ll stick with me so she doesn’t go crazy.


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