Episode 6: Hail Storms pt 1

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There was a heavy hail storm thundering from outside

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There was a heavy hail storm thundering from outside.

I wrapped myself in the blanket from our bed, walking through the dark hallway with bare feet, following the small light from the kitchen to find Harry sitting at the counter, holding a cup of hot steaming tea in that frog mug I got him as he rubbed at his eyes.

"Hi." I greeted softly, my voice slightly raspy from just waking up in the middle of the night as I walked over to my sleepy looking husband, placing my head on his broad shoulder.

"Hi." He responded in a tired deep and husky voice, resting his head over mine before we broke apart, small smiles on our faces as I pecked his lips.

"What are you doing up in the middle of the night?" I asked, watching Harry spread his long legs a bit on the stool he was sitting on so I could situate myself between them as I wobbled closer while he hugged me from behind.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." He said when my eyes fell on the warm tea on the counter making me let out a small "ooohhh," as I took it.

"Hot, hot, hot." I mumbled, blowing on the drink before taking a sip as Harry watched me with a dimpled smile, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as he rested his elbow on the counter, placing his chin in the palm of his hand while staring at me.

"Um excuse me, who said you could have my tea?" He questioned in a teasing voice as I paused, as if thinking about his question.

"Um your wife, aka me." I countered back as he chuckled.

"Is it the hail storm that's keeping you up?" I finally asked, the both of us looking up at the ceiling ever so slightly at the rough repetitive sound of small ice continuously pelting the roof of our cozy apartment from outside.

"Yeah, I just- I can't go to sleep with the noise. I hate it, reminds me of war movies." He admitted, running his hand through his long hair, slightly shivering as I placed my hand behind his head, pulling him closer until my lips touched his forehead in an endearing manner as his green eyes fluttered close at the contact.

I then handed him back his mug of tea, taking off the blanket around me and placing it over Harry's broad shoulders before I ordered him to stay, walking out of the room to retrieve something from his nightstand.

I came back into the kitchen with the book in my hand to find Harry still sitting obediantly at the counter, smelling the blanket draped around his body with a small smile.

"Coconut." He said in amusement, letting me sniff the fabric as I grinned.

"Yup das me." I claimed, winking at him causing my husband to blush as he looked back down at his tea in an almost shy manner.

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