Episode 16: Birthmarked

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I've always personally looked at sex as the sole purpose of reproduction, I mean maybe it's just because I've always watched Animal Planet since I was a kid observing rare creatures mate in their habitats but really, humans are just so extra compared to every other animal.

I don't like touching and I'm not one for physical human contact if I'm being honest, so all that sweat and holding each other in our arms and all that just seems so.... eh to me.

"I don't like eye contact, dirty talk makes me laugh, touching can be put at a minimum, I mean all we technically have to do is put your penis in my vagina." I began, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, studying my features and my naked body as I heard Haz snort in the bedroom.

"You know we don't have to have sex Tals." Haz laughed as I turned around, hugging my chest and looking at my backside with pursed lips, observing myself.

Didn't even know I had a mole there, huh.

"Although you might be missin' out, I mean not to brag..." I heard him begin in his cocky tone, making me roll my eyes with a small smile.

Haz was far from a fuck boy but he did have his moments at times.

"You know I be gettin' all of the ladies on me and like 'oh Haz you're so amazing, ten outta ten, dick me down again papi-'" He continued as I grinned at his words, exiting out of the bathroom and entering the bedroom where he was already undressed, his pants in his hands as he turned, pausing when he saw me.

Granted this was the first time Haz has ever seen me naked and vice versa, sure we've accidently butt in at wrong times on one another when we were changing but they were just quick glimpses.

My best friend's body tensed when he spotted me, his light green eyes widening and his jaw going completely slack as he took in my naked body, his mouth parted as he blinked at me, whatever joke he was saying died on his parted lips when I lowered my hands away from my chest and shrugged.

"I- wow.... you- you wow." Haz swallowed, his gaze glued to my body as if by some magnetic force as he swallowed, his pants he was holding almost slipping from his limp fingers before he quickly snapped it back up when it began to fall from his hand, directing his attention to his crotch which he quickly covered from my view.

"Wow tha-that was fast- I mean... uh.." He blurted out when he eyed his crotch before snapping his gaze back up to me, his breathinn erratic before he closed his eyes to compose himself, a nervous dimpled grin on his face.

"Do you, do you want bed- I mean the bed is.. bed." He began, his chest rising and falling rapidly when he looked at me, his eyes still skimming over my frame when he opened them, pointing at the bed as I laughed at his behavior.

"You want me to lay down?" I reiterated with a smile as Haz nodded, looking distracted while he continued to stare at me as I went over to the mattress across the room and laid down.

We then stared at eachother for a few minutes, Haz frozen in place while I placed my hands on my stomach.

"So are we gonna..." I began, looking around me before he snapped out of it.

"Oh right, yeah, right." He said, quickly tossing his pants to the side and any other time I would've teased him since I'd never seen him so flustered and awkward if it hadn't been for the fact that his junk was out on full view as he came towards me.

It was huge.

Bigger than any peńis I've seen in all those health books!

"Oh jeez don't just come at me with that!" I said in shock, sitting myself up and backing away on the bed as I gaped down at his clear hard on making Haz pause as he gave me a look.

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