Yuri's room

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I ran to my room not stopping at all even after I heard victor calling my name. When I got to my room I threw myself on my bed. I could hear my heart beating and my face was hot. I heard a soft knock and groaned. I heard the door click and and someone walk in. I looked up and saw victor. I yelped and pulled my covers over me

My mattress creaked and I felt additional weight on my bed. A hand lifted my blanket and I pulled it back over myself.

"Shh...your okay...sorry about earlier." I heard Victor say softly.

I poked my head out of the sheets and looked at Victor. His eyes were bright, I could get lost in those beautiful eyes.

"Sorry about earlier." Victor apologized.

"N-no it's okay..." As I said that I shut myself up.

His voice turned into a low growl. "Oh, really you don't mind?" He hummed.

"Ah...no I meant..." I started blushing again and hid myself under my cover again.

He lifted the cover fully off me and pinned me to the the bed. His face was inches away from me and I stared at his lips. I started to squirm and he held me tighter.

"I noticed you have a lot of posters of me." Victor said tickling my nose with his breath.

"Those are... I uh I really liked you when I was younger and I..." I said and he held me tighter.

"Would you still like me now?" He asked leaning closer to my neck. He kissed the flesh and I let out a breathy moan, then I quickly bit my lip.

"You have a nice voice." He pulled away and looked at my face I was blushing furiously. "You look cute." He cooed.

He then pulled away taking my hand with him and he kissed my finger tips. I looked away not able to meet his eyes. He let go of my hand looking at my face, for what felt like n hour. I finally looked at his face and he was smiling with his eyes as he looked at me.

"So would you let me be your coach?"

VictorxYuri ||Yuri!!! On ice||Where stories live. Discover now