Let Me Show You

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I sat watching Victor cry. What why is he crying? I leaned over and cupped his cheek I wiped a few tears with my thumbs and leaned in. I rested my head on his and our noses touched.

"I'm sorry I know I'm being selfish but I..." I trailed off not sure what kind of excuse I should make.

He stayed still and kept letting his tears fall. I leaned forward and kissed his tears letting my lips find his lips. I kissed him but he pushed me off.

"Yuri not now I just...I need time." He said turning away from me.

I was about to say something but I stopped myself and let go of him. It's fine I'm just going to go to sleep now we'll be better in the morning right? I thought crawling into my covers.

                              .      .      .

I woke up in the middle of night I tried putting myself back to sleep but I couldn't. If Victor were awake he'd make me sleep right now. I sat up and looked at Victor's bed I quietly slid out of bed and sat on his. I looked at his face and stroked his hair.

I let myself lay down next to him I continued to play with his hair occasionally kissing him on the cheek. I began to think about my decisions about letting him go as my coach. If I mange to beat you world record in free skate then you'll continue being my coach and you'll compete. I thought about it for a moment. Can I really beat Victor's world record? I thought about it all I have to do is land all my quads and my quad flip?

"Hey Victor how about that? If I beat your world record you'll still be my coach but you have to compete too." I whispered quietly.

When didn't stir and I kissed his lips and slid out of his bed taking his hand out of the covers. I held his hand I fell back to sleep again. Just wait Victor you'll love my idea and I'll show you I can do it. I smiled and buried my head into the pillow I squeezed his had and went to sleep.

_____________________________ I'm sorry I know it's been a week but I haven't been able to watch the episode and when I did I was in tears from BEGING to end and twenty minutes after must I remind you I was in a car rental and I was getting weird stares. I HONESTLY DID NOT THINK WE WOULD GET THEM PAIR SKATING BECAUSE IN THE WORLD OF FIGURE SKATING YOU WOULD NEVER SEE THAT OMG I WAS SO SHOCKED I NEARLY DIED OF JOY. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and I hope you have a happy new year!!! ( ^ω^ ) If you want me to do a face reveal for the last chapter  post comment down below please You guys are amazing for over 100k reads thank you thank you thank you so much!!! Also if you want my snapchat because I post videos of me skating comment down below I know this is risky but is it bad that I trust people on the internet that easily?

VictorxYuri ||Yuri!!! On ice||Where stories live. Discover now