{Chapter 1}

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My dream is to win gold. To win gold for once in my life.

My name is Yuri Katsuki. I'm a 23 year old ice skater. Before I met my new coach, Victor Nikiforov, I was a failure. I really love to skate, don't get me wrong but I feel like before I met Victor, I couldn't do anything right.

Though for some odd reason Victor managed to help me gain trust into myself and actually win something. We're both working hard to get me to the top. Victor is already on the top. I am blessed that such an angel has fallen down to help me.

"Yuri, concentrate!".

Oh, right, I'm practicing right now.. everything is going okay. Not great but not horrible either. I just have to find my Eros and then I'm sure I'll nail it. Though pork cutlet bowls.. I don't know if that's my true Eros.

The music ends and I end in the last position. My lungs burn. This really is a difficult routine, but I have to skate against really good skaters... My eyes move towards the Russian male and I smile when I see him smile.

"Yuri! That was amazing! You touched the ice once but with a bit more practice I'm sure you can nail that jump too!".

I feel myself getting embraced and I smile. He truly is a good guy, not only on television. But I wonder what he's hiding.

Victor's Pov:

"Yuri, you're spacing out a lot today, are you that tired?". Even when he's all worn out and tired, he looks beautiful. His black hair... his brown eyes... everything is absolutely perfect about this boy! Though I am hiding something from him I shouldn't hide.

I just don't want him to get detracted point at a competition because of my feelings. And of course I don't want him to get worried because of it.

"Yeah I think I'm really tired." he answers and I smile. "Then for today we can stop and ill take care of you!". I grab his hand and pull him off of the ice. After removing both of our shoes and packing our bags, we walk out and walk home.

"Yuri, what is your dream?"

"My dream? My dream is to win gold of course."

Wrong answer.. come on Yuri, is gold really the only thing you want?

"But I mean after you win gold, what do you want to do then?"

"I don't know... I never really thought about it. I guess I want to maybe teach other kids to skate on ice..."

Adorable...! So he wants to help little kids like I helped him? That is just adorable... I wouldn't have expected anything e-...

"And I want you to go back to Russia..."

He wants what? He wants me to go back? Did all these weeks of practice mean nothing to him? Did he not feel anything besides me being his coach?!

"Yuri, why is that?"

"Because I don't want you to give up your career for me..".

I stop my feet and grab the leave of his coat, stopping him too. I stay behind him a bit and feel the cold wind on my cheeks. Am I going to say it now? Am I going to say what I feel because I don't want him to leave? He turns around to look into my eyes and I...


"Walk!" I heard a voice I could recognize from ten miles say. I turn around with a smile. "Yurio, privet! (Hey in Russian according to google translate ^3^ ) ".

"Victor, what are you and the Japanese one doing in the middle of the street being all emotional!" the other Yuri said with his oh so familiar frown. I actually enjoy him butting in for once. He really broke the serious tension.

"We weren't being emotional, just discussing big people problems!"

"Victor! Don't treat me like a child!".

I now see Yuri smile and because of that I smile too.

"Come on Yurio, we're going to the hot spring, why don you join us!".

Maybe next time...

I'll have the guts to tell Yuri my true feelings for him.

A small small introduction chapter to see if you guys like it!

Bye bye~!

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