{Chapter 14}

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Victor's Pov:

After having trained Yuri the best I could, we decide to go home. Well.. 'home'. We have to go back to the hospital, so I can get the treatment they want to give me before we have to travel to Beijing for the Grand Prix Finals.

Yuri pushes my wheelchair down the peaceful and dark pavement... past the ocean, over the bridge. I glance to the side, seeing the ocean. It has been a while... I remember before I got diagnosed. I remember running down the beach with Makkachin, talking to Yuri, enjoying the sunset.. why does it feel so far away now...?


Yuri's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up at him. He has stopped walking...?

"Victor, do you want to take a stroll over the beach?" He spoke and I let out a slight nervous chuckle. It has actually been a while since I walked. It has been hard on my legs to even stand so I haven't even bothered walking.

"Yuri, I don't think we should do that. It's late and we can't really push the wheelchair through the sand properly here anyw-".

"If that's the only problem then I'll carry you.".

I sigh as I look at the beach. It would be nice... "Alright then, but not too long. I don't want that nurse to scold me again." I chuckle lightly.

Yuri pushes my wheelchair to the edge of the beach and removes the blanket from my legs. He outstretches his hand and I take it carefully, trying to stand up. It's hard but I manage to get up.

"There we go..." I speak and gently kiss the ring around his finger. "Thank you." I grin and wink.

While holding onto his hand for support, I start taking small, tiring steps down the beach towards the ocean. Yuri is quiet but I see him keeping his eyes on me. I try to keep a little smile, even when I feel my knees buckle on some occasions.

Yuri's Pov:

Victor's hand is cold and dry and he is really clinging to my hand. We reach the edge of the sea though and I take in a deep breath.

"It's beautiful.." I whisper and stare at the moon slowly rising above the ocean. Normally I'd find the ocean and the beach at night terribly lonely.. but with Victor on my side that feeling goes away.

"Victor... I.. don't want you to come with me to Beijing."

There... it is out... that is what I wanted to say ever since this morning. A selfish decision I had to make for us. I feel his hand squeeze my own a bit and I bite my lip. It's quiet again... he must've heard right?

"Victor, did y-".


He interrupts me before I could even ask if he heard me.

"Why do you say that Yuri? Why do you tell me to stay here?".

I swallow hard. It's painful... because I can hear his voice shaking. And if there was more light or if I dared to properly face him I'm sure I'd see him cry.

"Because you are sick.. and I want you to keep getting the treatment y-".

"Yuri, am I nothing more than sick to you? I... I'm your coach.. I'm your fiancé goddamnit! Do you forget that? Do you want me to just be sick?! Why am I nothing more than a dying man in your eyes?!".

His yelling hurts... I know I don't intentionally mean it like that but perhaps he is.. right. Perhaps, on an unconscious level, I do see Victor as mostly a sick person.

"Victor, I don't mean it like that.. I just want you to get b-".

"And what if I won't? What if I won't get better? Then you will go to Beijing and either return to a dead man or a man who couldn't even see his fiancé skate for the last last time before he will bite the dust."

I now properly look up at him and see he is crying. Ah.. but I guess I'm too.

"Don't say that Victor... you will get better..". My throat tightens and I feel my heart pound. "We are getting married remember? But... but I need you to get treatment for that first... if you get treatment Beijing won't be the last time I skate for you." I whimper, my shoulders shaking a little.

"Y-you say to me that I c-can't call you a dying man... yet... yet you think like one already.".

Victor's Pov:

I was going to speak but I close my mouth when I hear Yuri's statement... He is right... I tell everyone to treat me normally, yet part of me is already convinced that I'm not getting better anymore. That everything I do will be 'the last time'.


We both fall silent. He isn't looking at me anymore, he is looking at the sea. I softly squeezed his hand. "You are right... I need to get the treatment... then I'll stay here when you go to Beijing. But you better make me proud." I say with a tiny smile.

"I'll be watching your every move closely and expect a phone call directly after your routine. I'll point out every little mistake. Just because I'm not there, doesn't mean you don't have to be nervous to perform well for me." I note and I see him look up at me.

He doesn't smile but I keep the tiny smile.

"Well, what do you say?".

Instead of an answer I feel him pull me down and move his face closer to mine. "If I promise to perform well you have to as well. Promise me to get better".

I let out a small relieved sigh and nod. "Alright alright, I promise." I smile. He pressed his lips on mine and I kiss him back. Finally my knees give in and I fall forwards.

I accidentally push Yuri to the ground with my but manage to catch myself just in time before I would lay fully flat on the sand. Yuri's hand finds it's way only my shoulder and we smile a bit before locking lips again.

After we watch the moon fully rise, Yuri lifts me back to the wheelchair and helps me into it. He lays the blanket on my legs and we go off to the hospital.

Yuri helps me onto the hospital bed and into my sleepwear. He kisses my cheek and I rub his. "I adore you..." I whisper and he gives me a cute little smile.

Yuri's Pov:

"Victor... you should sleep." I whisper as I neatly tuck him in. "It was a long and exhausting day, wasn't it?".

I see him nod and kiss him one more time on the lips before using some chapstick to make them less dry. I close the curtains and turn off the lights, sitting in the chair.

"Well... good night then.".

I watch over him as he falls asleep and when I'm sure he's sleeping, my eyes start to fill with tears again. I grip my pants and drop my head, feeling the hot tears fall down as I try really hard to stay quiet.

What Victor said... hurt. What if I'm in Beijing and get to hear he passed away? Or what if I come back and I'll be hardly able to call the man in front of me alive anymore?

I don't want to lose Victor. No... I can't lose Victor. My dream was to win gold at the Grand Prix Finals but..

My dream can't come true without the most important person in my life.

It would be nothing more than a nightmare. A nightmare I won't ever get to wake up from.


I rewatched the entire season and god... do I have feels!

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