{Chapter 16}

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Yuri's Pov:

It's been a week since Victor had that awfully scaring heart attack.. I hadn't left his side in the hospital... not once. Until today.

That is because Victor and I decided to marry earlier than previously planned. With his health and condition deteriorating rapidly, we decided it would be better to do it sooner than later. Because we are both scared that the next time Victor falls in that eternal sleep... he won't be able to wake up anymore.

My throat tightens as I think about it and stare at my reflection in the mirror. I'm wearing a white suit with a little blue rose in my breast pocket. I am wearing my contacts and my hair is slicked back... I look pretty neat. I do wonder what Victor looks like though.

The door opens and my mom walks in. I smile a nervous smile. I know Victor... and I know I love him and want to marry him... yet I'm still nervous for some reason.

"Are you ready? You look wonderful." My mother says to me. I turn my head to look at her and nod slowly. "Yeah... I am. Is Victor as well?". My mom gives me a nod. "His coach... Yakov? He told me both him and the other Yuri are ready. The other Yuri will push his wheelchair down the aisle.".

I nod again. This is not an ideal wedding... but this is the best we can do at the moment. I take a deep, shaky breath and walk towards the door, heading out.

Victor's Pov:

I'm sitting in the wheelchair, looking out of the window because frankly I refuse to stare at my reflection. The person staring back at me looks nothing like me after all. I must say though, Yuri did a wonderful job picking out the suits! I particularly enjoy the purple rose in my breast pocket. I heard Yuri's was another color though.

The door opens and I see Yakov and Yurio walk in. "Ah! Is he ready?" I ask them excitedly and Yakov nods, his expression not cheery though.

I know exactly why... nobody would ever imagine my wedding day to look like this. A small, modest wedding... not being able to walk... thinning hair and skin and bones. Well, the thinning hair they probably expected because it was already getting thin!

"Come on now, smile! Both of you!" I speak happily, trying to cheer them up. I hear Yurio sighs and see him force a small smile. I haven't seen his smile in a while so it warms my heart. Even if it is forced.

"You are to go down the aisle first Victor." he speaks and I nod. "Well, you have to push me. So if we are late it is your fault." I tease and he rolls his eyes. I watch Yakov nod. "I'll be taking my seat in the audience. Come down when you are ready" he says to me and I rest my hands on my lap, nodding.

Not too long after Yurio starts pushing my wheelchair, two big, wooden doors open in front of me. We decided to have our wedding in the local church, white roses all over the place. Yurio pushes me down the aisle and I look at the people all around me. Some are fellow skaters we invited, Yuri's parents of course, Yakov... enough to make me happy.

I reach the end of the aisle and Yurio helps me up on my feet. My legs are wobbling and shaking a bit, probably the nerves! I turn my head to the doors again as the once more open..

Yuri's Pov:

The doors in front of me open and there I see him standing... Victor.. on shaking legs. So he decided to stand anyways? Even when I told him to keep sitting down? Well, we will see how it goes. He looks so handsome though. Despite the sick look, I can still see my Victor... the Victor from a couple months ago.

For a moment, my eyes deceive me and I see him standing there... healthy, smiling, happy... When I get back to reality he is still there... and still smiling and happy.. just.. you know.

I walk down the aisle with my mother and she gently gives me away to Victor, leaning up to him and whispering something in his ear. I see him smiles and nod, kissing her cheek gently. I wonder what she said to him..

I now stand opposite of Victor as the ceremony starts... but if I'm honest I'm not really listening to anything being said. I just look up into his eyes.. beautiful.. blue..shining. They haven't gone dull yet. At one point I even see little tears forming in his eyes. I softly squeeze his warm hands, giving him an encouraging smile.

Then the moment arrives... the moment where we are asked to dedicate our lives to each other... through richer and poorer... better and worse... sick and healthy.. We exchange rings and I say my yes. So does he..

I'm.. his husband.

And he is mine.

"Then now, I pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss your man." I hear next to me.

Victor wraps his arms around me and manages to dip me slightly. I press my lips against his, wrapping my arms around his neck and a hand into his hair. I hear cheering all around me but that's not important right now.

Right now, only Victor is important. His touch... his kiss.. only us.

He breaks the kiss and looks down into my eyes. He smiles his handsome smile and I kiss his cheek softly. "I love you..." I whisper and I hear him chuckle lightly. "I love you more Yuri. Forever and ever."

Victor's Pov:

It's real now. Yuri is my husband. We are married! Connected forever. One of my dreams has finally changed into reality. I sit down into my wheelchair again. I do feel exhausted but the love filling me, the love for Yuri, makes the exhausting feeling doable.

That evening we have a fun night. We eat cake, drink alcohol free champagne, laugh with the other skaters and just enjoy each other's company.

I yawn as I sit on a couch next to Yuri, listening to the music as he talks. I slowly rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. Goodness I'm tired...

Yuri's Pov:

I glance at Victor and smile a bit. It isn't that late but he has fallen asleep. I understand that of course. Today must've been very energy consuming to him. "I think that's our cue to go back to the hospital." I say and gently lift Victor into the wheelchair.

I grab his blanket and gently lay it over his legs, kissing his cheek as I gently wrap his scarf around his neck. After saying goodbye to everyone I head back.

Not too long after, I've changed us both into more comfortable clothing. I lay Victor down in the bed, moving the sheets up and over him. I move some of his gray hair out of his face.

He looks so peaceful... I never imagined my wedding night to be spend in the hospital but for him I'll gladly do it. Sitting in my usual chair next to the bed, I rest my upper body next to him, my head resting on my arms as I look up at him.

Two days... in two days I'll be leaving for the Grand Prix Final... and he will stay here like we agreed on. Yakov will be my couch... but I will still skate for no one other than Victor..

My heart is with him... even with miles between us.. even with seas separating us... I'm always connected with Victor.. The ring around my finger proves it.

I'll be his...

Till death do us part.


Aaaaaah the Fanfiction is nearing its climax!

Are you all ready?

I know I'm not c;

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