{Chapter 15}

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Yuri's Pov:

I have eventually fallen asleep on the chair, my upper body resting on the bed next to Victor. My head rests on my arms as a beeping starts waking me up.



It seems to pick up the pace and I frown a bit. I don't fully wake up before that beep becomes one... long endless beep. My heart sinks in my chest. My body goes cold as my throat tightens.

This is that one moment that kept playing in my head. The moment that I had visualized over and over again.. it was happening.. right now in front of me!

I shoot up out of my chair and look down at the man I love so deeply. "Victor! Hey!" I call out before pressing the button the nurse told us to press in case of an emergency.

My hands move towards Victor's frail feeling shoulders and I shake them. No! He promised to stay with me! We would marry! I'd have to win gold first! He can't leave me!

He simply isn't allowed!

My eyesight is foggy but I see two nurses run in alongside two doctors. One of the nurses walks towards me and takes me to the side. I know she is speaking to me but I can't hear her anymore. My eyes are watery and I can barely see Victor properly as he gets crowded by medical staff.

"V-Victor..." I whimper. I feel sick and feel like passing out. One of the nurses helps me out of the room and sits me down in a chair outside of it as the door closes. I get a cup of water and swallow hard, noticing how dry my throat is.

I take a sip. This can't be happening... Warm tears roll down my cheeks, falling onto my hands. My breathing picks up and I have to tell myself to not start having a full on panic attack.

I take another sip and manage to grab my phone, calling the only two people I think need to know right away.

I hear their voice and I whimper lightly. "It's Victor.. He.. He isn't doing well. You both have.. have to come to the hospital." I manage to get out. But saying it out loud breaks me. I put the cup down and end the call, covering my face as I sob again.

I hear noises... distress... coming from the room behind me.. this can't be the end right? It feels surreal. I'm not alone for long. Soon a sturdy Russian man along with a more slender one walk in.

"Yuri Katsuki." I hear Yakov say and I look up from my hands, my eyes puffy and red. "Where is he?". I shake my head. "S-still in there... we are not allowed in yet..." I whisper.

I see Yurio, who looks tired as can be, actually also look concerned. I manage to get up... I'm just going to do what feels right. I take a step towards the young teen and wrap my arms around him in a hug.

At first I think he is going to resist but... in the end he doesn't. He hugs back and seems to hide his face.

"Yurio... I'm sorry.. I'm sorry you have to go through this..." I whisper and he nods slowly, not saying much. He acts tough all the time but I'm sure he hurts just as much as all do. In the end... Victor is probably almost like a big brother to him...

I feel him push me away a bit as soon as the door to Victor's room opens. The doctors walk out one nurse walks up to us.

"Mister Nikiforov is back with us again. We managed to get his heart and breathing back. He is stable but... not well." She explains to us and I nod slowly. She then steps to the side and I look in.

I see him laying there... with an oxygen mask on his face... blouse half open.. hair messy. If he would see himself he would be embarrassed I'm sure...

I walk in and start to gently fix him, placing a kiss on his forehead before sitting down next to him again, carefully holding his hand in silence. Yurio and Yakov walk in and the blond drops his head.

Ah, that's right.. it has been a while since Yurio has seen Victor.. it's probably a shock to him.

"You... can touch him.. his skin is just a bit dry but he isn't cold or anything." I whisper and I watch Yurio poke Victor's arm. "Wake up." He says and I can't help but smile a bit.

"He probably won't yet... I'm sorry for calling you both all the way here.. I just w-". Yakov stops me before I can continue apologizing.

"It's alright. If this would have been Vitya's last night I would've wanted to be here." He speaks and I nod slowly.

"Yakov.. I asked Victor to stay here.. to not come with me to Beijing for the Grand Prix Finals.. I think I will manage without a coach or anyone but just to make sure... would you be willing to be my coach while Victor stays here for treatment?" I say softly, my eyes still on my sleeping soon to be husband, stroking his hand gently.

Yakov sighs. "Fine. That is fine by me." He speaks and even Yurio doesn't object. I'm glad they understand. I don't think I would've had the energy to beg anyways.

They stay for another hour before they decide to go home. I wish them well and stay up the entire night. I wait.. and wait.. and wait... and Victor only starts waking up after 2 pm.

I look up at him, watching him move his head. "Victor... I'm here..." I whisper, lifting his hand and kissing it softly.

Victor's Pov:

My everything hurts... my head is pounding, my chest is burning... every single muscle in my body is screaming in pain. Every breath I take makes me feel sick... but then I hear my little angel's voice.

"Y..Yuri...". My voice is extremely raspy and I now notice something covering my mouth. I gently move a hand up to touch it. An oxygen mask? What.. happened?

My eyes open and they are unfocused as I move them around the room. They eventually land on Yuri and I try to sit up but he keeps me down.

"Yuri... what happened?" I ask after he helps me take a sip of water.

"Victor.. your heart stopped last night..".

My eyes widen slightly. It stopped?

I feel terrible fragile in that exact moment.. knowing that my heart stopped.. that I left Yuri..

And I didn't even know I left him.


Quick chapter, hope you all enjoy it c:

Dream~ {Victor x Yuri}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt