{Chapter 5}

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Yuri's Pov:

I brought Victor to the hospital... I knew something was wrong! Why didn't I just keep pushing him to tell me what was wrong?! Why did I believe his stupid excuses?!

I run through the halls of the hospital, my breath stuck in my throat as I desperately try to find his room. This is horrible... this not only hurts Victor but it hurts my heart...

I reach the room finally and run in, seeing the grey haired male sit up in the bed and stare out of the window. My eyes widened a bit.

"Victor!" I call out and he turns his head. He looks a bit surprised but a smile appears on his face.

"Don't you dare to smile! Don't try to smile yourself out of this situation again!".


"Victor! Why didn't you tell me there is something wrong with you?! If you hadn't passed out around all of us no one would've seen you and you could've died!".

My eyes start to tear up. How could he?! Does he not consider MY feelings?! What a selfish human, that Victor Nikiforov..!

I can't and I don't want to control my tears anymore. They roll down my cheeks.

"Victor...! Please tell me the real reason why you are here..." I cry and look up at him. There is an oxygen mask hanging next to the bed... he must've used that...

"Yuri no... I can't tell you...I don't want you to stop focusing on your sk-"

"Victor! How can you say that when you are probably seriously ill?!"

I stare straight into his eyes, not caring that they were most likely red and teary. He opens his mouth. He better tells me now..

"I have cancer, Yuri..".

As those words leave his mouth, I want to teleport back in time so I would've never heard them. My heart feels ripped in pieces and I stare at him. This can't be...

Victor's Pov:

There... now he knows... I see him on the ground, his expression on the edge of breaking.

"Yuri... I'm sorry that I hid this from you for so l-".

Before I can finish my sentence I feel two arms wrap around my waist and feel the male's face buried in my stomach. I lower my eyes to look at him and he starts to sob heavily. I hurt him... I feel so bad...

"Yuri... it's okay... I still feel okay.." I whisper as I pat his black hair. I want to calm him down so I lay down on the hospital bed with him in between my legs, his head on my chest. God.. I don't want to say it but I feel exhausted already..

"You maybe say you're okay but your body doesn't show t-that..." he whispers and I sigh. I meet his brown eyes. "Yuri... I'll be okay..." I whisper and gently move my hand up towards his cheek. I caress it and smile at him.

"Victor.. how long have you been carrying this with you?"

"Two months now Yuri.."

"Are you going to die?"

"I hope not, I want to see you win a gold medal.."

"Are you getting treatment?"

"They started with it this morning.. I refused before."


"I wanted to be there for you as a coach and that isn't possible when I'm in the hospital.."

"But you can't be my coach if you're dead..."

He does have a point... Maybe I really was stupid for not getting treatment...

I watch Yuri grab his phone. His eyes clearly scan through the contacts in his phone. I can see the reflection in his glasses.

"Yuri, what are you doing?"

"I'm texting my sister to bring me a blanket and a clean shirt, I'm staying the night with you. I'll let her bring some clothes for you too."

I open my mouth to refuse but some company does sound nice... and especially if that company is Yuri... I nod and look back out of the window, seeing the snow fall. Will I ever be able to feel the snow on my skin again?

{that evening}

Yuri's Pov:

It's already very late. Victor is laying on the bed with the oxygen mask on his face. He told me that it was difficult to breath... but I'm glad he's now in the safe hands of the hospital...

I turn around in the rather comfortable chair and pull the blanket up to my lips. It's rather difficult to sleep in a chair but everything for Victor..


I turn my head and grab my glasses, putting them on so I can see his face. He has moved the mask down again so he can talk to me.

"Yes Victor?"

He doesn't even tell me what his question is. He just smiles and spreads his arms, looking into my eyes. I know enough and nod slowly. I get up from the chair and lay next to him as I can feel his arms wrap around my body.


"Yes Yuri?"

I look up at him and remove my glasses. Now I'm the one that doesn't need to ask directly. He nods as I can feel him lift my chin. I better enjoy him now I still have him..

Our lips touch and I feel his warmth..

I never want his warmth to leave me ever again...

Stay with me forever, Victor..


Ah! The book is going so well in my eyes! Thank you all!

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