{Chapter 6}

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Victor's Pov:

I don't even know how I managed to kiss Yuri without even asking if he was sure, but it definitely feels all warm and nice. His lips are softer than I expected. I expected them to be chapped from the cold.. I guess he uses lip balm even when I don't offer him mine..

My hand caresses his cheek as I slowly close my eyes. I shouldn't be doing this for more than one reason but it's his fault too.

It's his fault because he's such a beautiful pork cutlet bowl.

I crack up a bit at my own thought and Yuri notices. He breaks our little kiss and looks at me with a confused expression while I start to laugh.

Yuri's Pov:

What? Why is he laughing? Is he not feeling well? Is he laughing at me because I actually think I make a small change of becoming even closer with him?

"Victor..? What is wrong?"

"N-nothing..! I-I hah-! I was just thinking of something." he snorts.


It comes out harsher than I expected it to come out and he stops laughing too, wiping away a tear in the corner of his eyes as looks down into mine.

"I was just thinking about what kind of a beautiful pork cutlet bowl you are."

I get red and grab a pillow, hitting him in the face with it as revenge. "Victor Nikiforov! You're bad! Bad bad bad!" I scold him playfully as I keep hitting him with the soft pillow and he laughs.

We continue our small little play for a while until we both lay on the bed, panting from exhaustion. I am resting my head on Victor's chest. He feels warm and it calms me down when I listen at his heartbeat. Though for some reason now I'm scared it can stop any moment.

Something starts to stroke my hair softly and I look up, seeing a beautiful yet tired Russian ice skater. I grab my blanket and lay it over us, kissing his lips softly one time before removing my glasses and giving him the oxygen mask.

"Victor... we should sleep, especially you.." I whisper. I see him nod and put on the mask. I stay awake until I'm sure he's asleep and slowly but steady, fall asleep myself.

{The following morning}


I frown slightly. It feels way to early to wake up and I pull the blanket over my head, grumbling slightly. I feel some tugging on the blanket and glare up from underneath it.

A smiling, godlike Russian beauty looks straight at me. I can't help but smile a bit too and the pair of glasses get gently placed on my noise.

Victor pulls off the blanket and smiles, pulling me up a bit. "Yuri has never really been good at waking up, has he?"

I thought at first he was talking to me but I turn around and see my mother and my father sitting in the room. I blush madly.

They have watched me lay in one bed with Victor?! My childhood idol?!

"A-ah... mother, father, I'm sorry for my appearance." I apologize quickly and try to tame my hair with my hands a bit but a pair of bigger hands stops mine.

"I like your hair like that Yuri." Victor says as he looks at me. I turn around to look up at him and smile slightly. Though it disappears when I see something red drip out of his noise.

"Victor... your nose... it's bleeding.." I whisper and move my hand up. But before I can touch it to wipe it away for him, he grabs my wrist a bit forcefully to stop me from touching it. I look in his rather worried eyes and he forces a smile.

It looks ugly when he forces it...

"No Yuri... you don't have to touch it." he smiles as he kisses my hand and wipes it away himself, looking at his slightly red finger now.

I can remember when I was a child... I had a bleeding nose too and I was so afraid something was wrong with me. I ran to my mother and cried my eyes out, only to know it was normal.

But I'm Victor's case it isn't normal...

Victor is sick... and there is nothing I can do for him...

I can only stay with him and pray..

Pray for a miracle.


Sorry for the long time no upload! Back now though!

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