{Chapter 9}

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~ A couple hours later~

Victor's pov:

I lay with Yuri on the bed. He seems tired and it is cute. I stroke his hair softly with my hand and notice the needle in it that is doing all of this to me. This needle is keeping me in this bed... in this room, in this hospital... away from coaching Yuri, away from...home...

I've started to think of the hot springs as my home. Because home is wherever Yuri is... except from this hospital... neither of us enjoys being here.. that is why I don't think of this as home.

My thoughts get cut off as I see Yuri move in my arms after he has fallen asleep. I smile again. Can't I just... bring this needle and whatever is attached to it home? Home with Yuri so that I can help him with his dream?

I look at the button that calls a nurse in and I smile, pressing it. A brown haired lady walks in.

"Yes Mister Nikiforov?" she asks nicely.

"I was wondering if I can continue the treatment at home? Or at least... some part of it."

I see the nurse look at me with a slightly worried look.

"Mister Nikiforov, if you continue it at home, the treatment will go a lot slower and in your situation that could be life threatening...".

Worth a shot. Yuri doesn't need to know that it will slow down once I'm home with him. He doesn't need to worry about me.

"I understand, I still want to try it though, when am I allowed to take this home?".

-little timeskip-

A couple hours later after speaking with the doctors about what I had to do at home, I was allowed to leave. Yuri had been sleeping for the entire evening. I understand.. he must be tired from worrying.

"So mister Nikiforov, feel free to check out with your friend. I'll see you in three days for a check up okay?"

I nod and smile, waking Yuri after the doctors walk out. "Yuri~ wake up, I have good news." I smile. I see the Japanese boy sleepily wake up.

"Mm... Victor five more minutes..." I hear him whisper and I chuckle.

"You can continue sleeping once we are home okay?"

"We are Victor... this is home for now..."

"No Yuri, I'm allowed to go home."

Yuri's Pov:

I finally open my eyes at those final words and stare at him. "Allowed to go home...? As in you are getting better?" I smile and he nods, smiling back.

I immediately sit up and hug him tightly. "That is amazing!". I can't believe Victor is getting better. I thought for sure I was going to lose him for a moment. But no.. it will be all fine now.

"I do need to keep the IV for a couple of weeks though, but I can take it home." I hear him say and I nod, softly kissing his hand.

"Let's go, can you stand?" I ask and he nods. He gets off of the bed but wobbles a bit and I grab his hand. "Let me help Victor, the house is only a couple minutes from here.. we can go into the hot springs for a bit if you like?" I ask and he nods.

I then walk home slowly with him and walk into the house. My mother and father greet me and I smile, waving back. My mother looks at Victor with a worried look.

"Oh Yuri he looks awful.."

"No mom, he may lost a bit of thickness in his hair and is a bit thin, but he is still really handsome..." I say with a small blush accompanied with a smile.

"My hair is getting thinner, really?" Victor chuckles sarcastically. I know he already knows. It is because of the chemo he had.

"Mom, we are going to the hot springs okay?"

"Yes Yuri, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

"No katsudon for Yuri, I don't want him to become a little piggy again." Victor chuckles and rubs my stomach and I poke his. "No, can you cook Russian? I want something from Russia for dinner.". My mother smiles and nods.

Me and Victor walk towards the hot springs and undress. For some reason I'm afraid to remove the towel now. A blush creeps on my cheeks. Victor has no shame and just removes it, getting into the water with my help.

"Come on Yuri, don't be so shy." he smiles and I smile back nervously, removing the towel and getting into the water next to him. There is a little bench like thing in the water. Like in a hot tub. We both sit on it and I smile at the water.


"Yes Victor?" I ask and my eyes trail towards his hands. The IV is still connected to his hand.

"I love you..".

My cheeks warm up once more. "I..I love you too Victor...". We lock eyes and he moves closer. I feel the sensation of his dry lips on mine. I don't mind that they are so dry. It is probably because of all the medicines.

I start to softly kiss back. It is like our lips fit perfectly together. Like the last piece in a big puzzle. You feel happy and proud when it is done. And I feel happy and proud when I kiss Victor. His hand moves towards my hip and it rests there. I follow his lead and place my hand on his shoulder. His mouth opens a bit and I feel a tongue against my lips.

At first I am shocked and I had the urge to open my eyes, but a small and reassuring squeeze from Victor's hand that is on my hip made me feel more comfortable. I open my mouth slightly and feel the ice skater's tongue slip into my mouth.

This feels so weird. My teenage idol... my... my hero... is in the same hot spring, completely naked next to me, and is kissing me...! This feels so weird but so extremely good.

I feel the older male break the kiss and I look up at him. "Victor...?" I ask softly. He stopped when it was getting good. I hear him chuckle and he winks at me.

"If I don't stop now Yuri, I'll be eating Japanese tonight."


Eyyyy wink wonk dirty Victor xD

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